Chapter 1

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A Problem With Vengestone

Please note that this story is fictional, and any of the characters, certain events and vehicles here that are in the Ninjago Lego franchise do not belong to me. However the never before seen characters, events, storyline etc, DO belong to me. If you would like to use an event or idea, just ask. I must warn that this is slightly more mature than the actual show, so there will be more graphic violence, language and themes. Now please enjoy.

Ninjago City has recovered well from the last attack. The Overlord had been defeated by the Ninja using the power of Creation. Ninjago's Crystallized Era was over. Everyone returned to their normal lives, with the criminals being thrown back in jail and surprisingly, Ronin's sentence was lessened. But that was only the beginning....

The Ninja gained allies in places they never thought they would. For starters, Ultra Violet told them that if they ever needed help, they should just ask. That didn't stop her from committing crime though. Fugidove...was never a good criminal to begin with, so I think you can imagine how that played out.

And then there was Harumi.

Harumi had been against the Ninja for a long time. She resurrected Lloyd's father, Garmadon and had basically replaced Lloyd as his child. She even tried to kill them all, unsuccessfully so, dying in the process.

To everyone's surprise, Harumi was alive. She had been resurrected by the Overlord who had granted her new abilities. He offered her life in turn for her loyalty. She was hesitant. But seeing that she had nothing left to lose, she agreed. But soon she found out, the very same person to whom she had pledged her loyalty, was also the person who created the vile creature who had been responsible for her birth parents death. To this day, she still feels guilty for taking it out on someone who never gave up on her.

But on a less depressing topic...

The Ninja are currently at the Ninjago Karaoke Stand in the middle of the city. Nya, Cole, Jay and Kai were busy singing on the ministage the establishment had.

Jump up!

Kick back!

Whip around,

and spin!

And them we'll jump and do it again!



Zane and P.I.X.E.L were busy spectating, cheering their friends on. A little above them, Harumi and Lloyd were busy chatting with each other.

"You what?" Harumi asked him in confusion.

"I was put to shame by a chicken" Lloyd admitted that shamefully. He rolled his eyes softly. "In my defense, I didn't know that the chicken could fight"

"Oh my goodness" Harumi laughed throwing her head back. "Lloyd!"

"What?" He asked innocently. He chuckled as he heard his friends' voices in the background.

"Do you guys come here a lot?" Harumi leaned forward, grabbing her cup of orange juice and sipping it.

"Yeah, despite the fact that they may actually end up affecting my hearing because none of them can sing" Lloyd's eyebrows furrowed in annoyance.

"Why don't you have go?" She asked, turning her body slightly towards the other Ninja. She was nicely dressed in black jeans, a purple shirt and jacket which was complemented by her French Braid.

"Well, unlike the others, I am well  aware of my singing abilities" He folded his arms. "I know I can't sing"

"And when has that ever stopped them?" She gestured towards the other Ninja. Then she shook her head. "You should have fun"

"I know how to have fun" He commented, fiddling with his green zip-up hoodie. "I just don't enjoy breaking windows"

Harumi could only smile at him.

Meanwhile, somewhere outside of Ninjago, in an abandoned
warehouse, a man in his late forties was tied to a chair, afraid of what will happen next. Soon a figure walked towards him. She kneeled down in front of him before speaking.

"I'll ask again, where do the Ninja live?" She asked, the hoodie over her head concealing her face.

"What d-do you w-want from them?" Marty the mailman stuttered in fear.

"Stop dodging the question.." She grinned, knowing that he fears her. "Now tell me where those damned Ninja live, or else..."

"Or else what?" He shivered.

"I may need to use... persuasion" She pulled out a knife, before standing up straight. She ran her fingers over the ice, cold blade. She then pointed it at him. "I've asked enough. Tell me now, and I'll spare your life. If you don't, you won't live to see another day. And don't pull that 'I-don't-know' shit on me"

"Okay, okay!" He gave in. "They live in a monestary south of Ninjago. Up on a mountain"

She smirked and dropped the knife. The sound of the knife hitting the floor startled the man as he sighed in relief.

"That wasn't so hard" She grinned. "Now go, before I change my mind"

She untied Marty, leaving him to flea in the other direction. One other figure appeared.

"Fucking hell" He sighed. He pinched the bridge of his nose. "Was it necessary to do that? We could've just hacked into their postal system"

"But that was WAY more fun to do. The way he just... cowered in fear made me smile" The female figure responded, placing a hand on her hip.

"E, we really need to talk about your... psychotic side" He responded to her with a shake of her head.

"It never stopped you from loving me" She told him, walking past, heading to the back. He turned his head towards the knife she had been holding, and sighed lightly.

Back at the Karaoke stand, the Ninja were sitting at a table, eating lunch. Kai smiled brightly as he picked up his cheese puff pie.

"These taste sooooo good!" He exclaimed as he took a bite out of his meal. Nya shook her head at him.

"Hey, what's that?" Jay pointed to the TV screen behind him, where Gayle Gossip was reporting live. Zane raised an eyebrow.

"It appears to be breaking news" He concluded as Cole called to someone sitting with the remote.

"Do you mind turning the volume up please?" He asked as the stranger turned up the volume.

"I'm Gayle Gossip and I'm here with some breaking news. I'm here at Borg Tower where a robbery just took place. Two trucks worth of Vengestone has just been stolen by two unknown figures. I'm here with Commissioner George, who has something he'd like to say:

I don't know what these people want with the Vengestone, but I'll tell you this, they WILL be brought to justice.

There you have it folks. The question on everyone's mind is: who are these people? And what are they planning to do with the Vengestone?"

"Please tell me she's joking!" Jay threw his hands in the air. "What is it with criminals and Vengestone!?"

"I don't know" Lloyd replied thoughtfully. "But it looks like we have a new mission. Catching these people and find out what they want with the Vengestone"

"Where do we begin?" P.I.X.E.L asked him.

"Where we always do. At the scene of the crime"

"Awe yeah! Time for some action!" Kai cheered. Nya looked concerned.

"Lloyd, we don't have our powers. If these criminals are planning something big, what will we do?" She asked him.

"I don't know. But Ninja never quit" Lloyd declared. "We'll find them, but first...I believe questioning is an order"


There we go! Chapter one of Ninjago: The Rise of Vengence. Please feel free to comment your theories and they will be explored! This is basically what I dreamt up for Ninjago 2023. I'm excited, are you?
Also I do not own the picture used for this book. Full credit goes to the owner.

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