Chapter 39: Hollow Victory.

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I couldn't believe it! I just couldn't believe what just happened! Did that just happen?! Wait a minute! Let's just recap here for a moment! 

So... Sirius went through the arch. The arch that Anubis told us was a gate to the Duat. And did that mean that he was... 

No! That couldn't be right! Could it? 

"No, no he's not gone!" Harry yelled. 

I couldn't believe it. But I was so stunned with what just happened. I didn't even move. "Sirius..." I started to feel tears on my face. 

Harry on the other hand fought Lupin with every ounce of strength he had left. "SIRIUS! SIRIUS!" He bellowed. 

"He can't come back, Harry." Lupin said, his voice breaking as he struggled to contain Harry. "He's dead-" 

"No, he's not!" Harry sobbed. "He's not, he's not!" 

There was movement going on around us, pointless bustling, the flashes of more spells. It was all meaningless noise. But I accepted what happened. Sirius was gone. And then I had a sudden bad thought in me. We don't even have a body anymore. How is he supposed to cross the River Styx? How could he get to Elysium? If anyone deserved it... Sirius did.

Ethan dragged me further away. "Hey... we're going to get that Bitch. I swear it." He told me. 

I nodded. Now it was personal. It wasn't supposed to go down like this. Sirius was supposed to be with Harry for all time. They were supposed to be a family. And then I realized something. This was all our fault. 

"Kassie!" Jacob, Lizzie, Beatrice, and Penny ran over to us.

"I'm okay." I said. But I really wasn't. I was broken on the inside. 

Dumbledore and the rest of the Circle had the remaining Death Eaters grouped in the middle of the room, seeming immobilized by invisible ropes. 

"I got you, Mad Eye." Bill pulled Mad Eye up while Tulip was helping Tonks up.

"Come on, Tonks. Stand up!" Tulip yelled as she pulled Tonks up.

But it was difficult for Tonks to stand up.

"Merlin's Beard. What's the point of going through that Auror training if standing up is something you can't do?" Tulip asked.  

Meanwhile behind the dais, Shacklebolt fought against Bellatrix, fighting in Sirius's place.

"Harry?" Neville slid down the benches one by one to where we were standing, his cheeks stained with tears. "Harry... I'b really sorry..." Neville said. His legs had been restored by Chiara. "Was dat man- was Sirius Black a-a friend of yours?" 

Harry nodded. 

"Neville. Where's everyone else?" Ethan asked. 

"Dey're all back dare." Neville answered. Herbione's unconsious, bud we could feel a bulse-" 

There was a loud bang and a yell from the dais. I saw Shacklebolt hit the ground yelling in pain. 

Bellatrix laughed again, and was going to shoot another spell at Shacklebolt, when Jacob jumped in front of Bellatrix and the impact shook her off her feet. 

"Chiara!" Ethan yelled.

Chiara could see what was going on. "I've had enough of that Bitch!" She raised her Control Rod. "Golems!" 

And suddenly the doors burst open again. And a group of Metal Golems jumped down. Raising their swords right at Bellatrix. And I think Bellatrix turned tail when she saw the Golems, Dumbledore and Ethan coming right at her. Ethan shot a spell at her, but she deflected it. She was halfway up the steps now.

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