Chapter 15: Birth of the Rebellion.

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None of us really made a mention of Harry giving Defense Against the Dark Arts lessons for the next two weeks after the original suggestion was made. The good news was that the detentions with Umbitch were over. 

Ron, Ryan, and I had four more Quidditch Practices, and not been shouted at during the last two; and all five of us had managed to vanish the mice in Transfiguration. (Hermione and Ryan had made it all the way to Vanishing Cats.) Before the subject of DADA was broached again, on a wild, blustery evening at the end of September, when the five of us were sitting in the library, looking up Potion ingredients for Snape.

"I was wondering." Hermione said suddenly. "Whether you'd thought any more about Defense Against the Dark Arts, Harry." 

"Course I have." Harry said grumpily. "Can't forget it, can we, with that hag teaching us-" 

"Hey, Harry." Ryan whispered showing a frog version of Umbitch. And making ribbit sounds.

Harry laughed. "That's a good one, Ryan." 

"I meant the idea Ron, Kassie, Ryan and I had." Hermione clarified. Ron cast her an alarmed, threatening kind of look.  

Harry didn't answer at once. 

"Kassie, will you teach us?" Hermione asked.

"I don't know if I'd really make a great teacher, Mione." I answered. 

"Well..." Harry said slowly. "I- I've thought about it a bit." 

"And?" Hermione asked eagerly. 

"I dunno." Harry answered. He then looked up at Ron.

"I thought it was a good idea from the start." Ron commented, who seemed keener to join in the conversation now that he was sure that Harry was not going to start shouting again. 

Harry shifted uncomfortably in his chair. "You did listen to what I said about a load of it being luck, didn't you?" He asked.

"Yes, Harry." Hermione answered gently. "But all the same, there's no point pretending that you're not good at Defense Against the Dark Arts, because you are. You were the only person other than Kassie, last year who could throw off the Imperious Curse completely, you can produce a Patronus, you can do all sorts of stuff that full grown wizards can't, Viktor always said-" 

Ron looked around at her so fast he appeared to crick his neck; rubbing it, he said, "Yeah? What did Vicky say?"

"Ho ho." Hermione replied in a bored voice. "He said Harry knew how to do stuff even he didn't, and he was in his final year of Durmstrang." 

Ron looked at Hermione suspiciously. "You're not still in contact with him, are you?" He asked.

"You're not still being a little jealous man, Ronald. Are you?" Anubis sarcastically asked Ron.

"So what if I am?" Hermione shot back. "I can have a pen pal if I-" 

"He didn't only want to be your pen pal." Ron said accusingly. 

"Does he do this often, Anubis?" I asked.

"Yes." Anubis answered.

"So what do you think, Harry? Will you teach us?" Ryan asked. 

"Just you, Ron, Hermione, and Kassie, yeah?" Harry asked.

"Can we invite Sophie too? And Parvati?" Ryan asked hopefully. "We can also invite Neville too. Oh and also Ginny obviously... and Luna could probably be interested and-" He started to list. 

"Okay, sure. They can come too." Harry interrupted.

"Well." Hermione said. "Well... now, don't fly off the handle again, Harry, please... But I really think you ought to teach anyone who wants to learn. I mean, we're talking about defending ourselves against V-" And she was really hesitant to say his name.

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