Chapter 37: The Department of Mysteries.

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Thanks to Anubis, everyone could see the Thestrals now. And soon enough, we were all gliding in the air, and gliding over the serene looking castle. We passed Hogsmeade; I could see mountains and gullies below us. As daylight fell, I could see small collections of lights as we passed over villages, there was a winding road on which a single car was beetling its way home through the hills...

"You think we should've transfigured up some Saddles before we left?!" Ryan asked.

"You scared, Ryan!?" I asked back. 

"No! I'm just saying that about Ginny!" Ryan yelled.

I turned to see Ginny trying to keep her grip on her Thestral. "I'm okay! It's just like Riding Charlie's Broom!" She assured. "Besides, it's Hermione who we should be worrying about."

"Oh, yeah." Ryan said. 

"You okay, Hermione?" I asked.

"AH! I'M NOT A FAN OF HEIGHTS!" Hermione screamed while she gripped the Thestral tightly that it was a miracle the Thestral wasn't being strangled at that moment.

I noticed Neville still had his arms around my waist. "I'll hold you if you lose your balance." He offered.

"Thanks." I thanked grinning at him. I then looked at the sky. It was the same feeling I felt when I rode on Buckbeak. "It's beautiful up here." 

"Yeah... it really is." Neville admitted. "But the best view I've got is still you, Kassie." He said. 

"Aw." I said as I turned my head and we both kissed while in the air. 

"Really?" Ron was next to us on his Thestral. "Right now?" 

I looked at Ron, and then I looked at Hermione. And I couldn't help but chuckle. "Your time is coming, Ron. Just be patient." 

Twilight fell, the sky turned into a light, dusky purple littered with tiny silver stars, and soon only the lights of the Muggle Towns would give us any clue of how far from the ground we were, or how fast we were travelling. 

"I just hope we're not too late." I commented. I wondered how much time passed since Harry first saw Sirius. How much longer could he resist? 

We flew through the gathering darkness. It was taking a while. But I was still determined to get there. And the Gods only knew what Harry was thinking. 

"It's a beautiful night out." Luna commented. "Just trying to make small talk. It's not very polite to just fly in an uncomfortable silence. Makes things awkward for everyone." 

"Yeah, well... it gives me time to think on getting to Sirius quickly." Harry said still determined.

"I'm not a fan of uncomfortable silence either." Ryan informed. "Oh, I know. Why don't we just talk about something to pass the time? It worked out for Dad and I." 

That seemed like a good idea. It would clear the air for a lot of us. "So... what do you guys prefer? Riding this or Quidditch Brooms?" I asked.

"Quidditch Brooms. It's not even close." Ginny answered. "You have a favorite Quidditch Team, Kassie?"

"Gryffindor." I answered.

"I mean on the Professional Level." Ginny corrected. 

"Oh... no. Not really." I realized. 

"It's the Chudley Cannons for me!" Ron shouted.

But Ginny scoffed at that. "You've got terrible taste, Ron. The Holyhead Harpies are the Greatest Team in the World! All Girls on the team, and an incredible team every year! That's the team I want to play for. You should join, Kassie. We could use you on the Harpies."

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