Chapter 22: Christmas at the Ward.

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(Kassandra's P.O.V)

Ryan and Sophie's Pater was dead. I remember spending the start of the Christmas Holiday at Grimmelwald Place. 

The first day, we all journeyed out to Grimmelwald place with members of the Order of the Phoenix to pay our last respects to Mr. Tyler. According to Ancient Egyptian Culture, it takes about 70 days for the funeral rights, but due to time constraints we would have to cut it short. Household food and drinks were provided outside of the sarcophagus that housed the remains of Ryan's Pater.

I was there, as was Mater, Jacob, Lizzie, Ethan, Penny, Sean, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Sirius, Lupin, Tonks, Mad Eye, the other Weasleys, and other members of the Order. Although Dumbledore was there, he didn't make eye contact with Harry. Again...

"And although we knew Evan Tyler was a flawed man. He never stopped being a father to his children." Anubis started to say. "Evan knew what he was agreeing to when he joined the Order of the Phoenix. That he would throw his life on the line if necessary, if it meant that his children and their friends could have their future. If he had the chance to do it again, he would do it again. Evan Tyler is no longer of this world. He has gone to next world. And we will see him again, may he earn his peace in paradise." Anubis then turned to the casket. "You have earned your rest, brother. May we see you again, in the Field of Reeds. May you find your paradise, and may your worries be gone from this world." 

Anubis bayed Ryan to go forward first. 

Ryan went up to his Father's Casket. "I'll find who did this to you, Dad. And I'll keep Sophie safe... I promise." He vowed.

Jacob put a hand on Ryan's shoulder. "You're going to be okay, buddy." 

"So what happens now?" I asked once the Funeral was over. 

"Now, we find this Dragon Priest and kill him." Ethan answered. 

"I meant with Ryan." I clarified. "What's going to happen with h-him?"

"Yeah... that's a bit of a problem." Ethan answered.

Penny shook her head. "Well... shouldn't Ryan go to live with his Mother?" She asked. "I mean... I'm not sure that's such a good idea." 

"It's a really bad idea." Lizzie agreed. "Even if she is his Mother." 

"Well... Ryan will stay at Hogwarts until the Term is over... but Ryan's Mother also when she divorced cut off all connections with her son. And with Emily locked up in Azkaban. We may have to find him a Foster Home." Jacob said.

"Unbelievable." Mater grunted. "Half the time, I wonder if she even loved Evan or was just doing it to keep her back off of going to Azkaban." 

"I think the latter." Penny said, while also holding up Sean.

Sean's hair was starting to grow now. It was a very light brown. 

"In the meantime, I'll try to figure out what I can about the Dragon Priest. I want to know how he was able to apparate in Hogwarts no problem." Ethan declared while stroking Sean's hair. 

"There was something else, Ethan..." I added. "He seemed to know about my visions. How he does, I don't know." 

Ethan looked down. "Also... we might have to do something about You Know Who..." Penny added.

"Voldemort?" Lizzie asked. 

"No... the Lumpy Toad." Penny clarified.

"Oh... that one." Lizzie shrugged. 

"Uh, Penny... it's Toadwart." Ethan corrected.

"Yeah... that's what I meant." Penny said awkwardly. "I'd use fiery language, but I'm not going to do it in front of my son."

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