Chapter 5: Devil's Gambit.

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(3rd Person P.O.V) 

Snyde Manor. It was once home to one of the most powerful and most noble of Pureblood families, the Snydes. But after the fall of Voldemort, the Snyde Manor was placed in the possession of Merula. One young girl in a lonely home. But once Fletcher Snyde has returned to Great Britain, he took control of the Manor, and had used the Albanians that he and Voldemort collected to rebuild the entire Snyde Household after it had fallen in disrepair. And now, it was being used as the Hideout for Voldemort and his fellow Death Eaters. 

Fletcher walked into the Main Hall where Pettigrew waited for him. As Voldemort was in a position on one of the chairs. And in a deep meditation state. "Can you believe this, Wormtail?" Snyde grinned evilly. "Our greatest blunder has been turned to our advantage. The Dark Lord has returned. Albus Dumbledore has warned the world, and the Ministry is doing nothing. I didn't think it was possible, but they've proven to be even bigger idiots than I gave them credit for. Congratulations on being even bigger morons." He taunted. 

"We do have one more problem, Lord Snyde." Pettigrew reminded. "The Order of the Phoenix has returned-" 

"Yes, but with the Ministry not backing them. The words of the Order will fall on deaf ears. And thus, allowing us more time to build our power, and our armies to take over the World and purge it of Muggles, Muggleborn, blood traitors like the Weasleys, all of it." Snyde pointed out. 

"Do not underestimate the Order of the Phoenix. Having served on them myself, I know that Dumbledore is one powerful Wizard." Pettigrew advised.

"Having second thoughts on where your loyalties lie?" Snyde asked pointing his wand at Pettigrew.

"Never. My allegiance is to the Dark Lord." Pettigrew quickly answered worried that Snyde had a short trigger fuse. Which he did. "I've sacrificed everything." He pointed to his metal hand to prove it.

"Excellent." Snyde replied, putting his wand away. 

Voldemort in the meantime was meditating, but also establishing contact with Erathor, the Dark Dragon. "I've been returned to full strength. All I need now is to rally more to my noble cause." He informed the Dark Dragon. 

"You will need quite the army if you are to bring down the Wizarding World that moves against you." Erathor replied. He had expected this answer. 

"Which is why, I have a new plan. One that Trotsky has already set into stage." Voldemort said with a grin on his face. "The Ministry is shall we say... divided. All we need to do is bite our time, and let the Ministry fall into its state of civil war. Once they have finished tearing apart each other. I will step in and take over. The new World Order will begin." 

"You forget that the British Ministry is but one Government in your Human World." Erathor reminded.

"It's a start." Voldemort said. "We'll then use the time to build our army to become even stronger, and then the World will soon follow." 

"It is a great plan." Erathor noted. "But don't underestimate the other Wizards that dare to stand against you. This Ethan Bauer in particular from what I have heard is a formidable foe. He and his Elder Brother. Jacob Bauer." 

"I will not." Voldemort said in a sharp tone. "And this time, I will not underestimate Harry Potter either. He will be dead when all of this is finished." He never forgot about how Harry Potter foiled his many plans. "We'll hold our celebration atop of his funeral. Or rather... the Ministry can do that for me." He held up the Daily Prophet to show to Erathor. "They already call Dumbledore daft and dangerous. And Harry Potter unstable and a criminal. I'm curious to see how much pressure will be put on the boy. It'll be very entertaining. To watch him suffer like I have." He laughed. "I even hear they're going to put him on trial for using a Patronus Charm on 2 of your Dementors. If what Lucius says is true that is. And he rarely is false." 

Kassandra Bauer and the Order of the Phoenix. (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now