Chapter 32: Career Advice.

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Kassandra (P.O.V)

Hogwarts. It felt so long ago that I was here. Now Kassandra Bauer was back. The Easter Holidays had just ended so I didn't miss anything. I walked through the Hallways. The familiar levels of stone around the halls. And by the Library. Everything was still here. I had to remind myself that I was not in Japan anymore. 

And I could also hear something coming from the Great Hall. "Chocolate in the Library!" It sounded like Madam Pince. "OUT-OUT-OUT!!!!" 

I could see Harry and Ginny running out of the Library while being whacked by Madam Pince on their way out. Talk about being very stingy and strict.

"Sorry, Harry. I forgot how strict Madam Pince could be." Ginny said. 

"It's fine, Ginny." Harry assured. He started to gather up his things and put them in his bag.

That was when Ginny looked up and saw me. And then her expression changed to shock and she gasped.  

"Harry?" I asked. "Ginny?" 

Ginny practically shoved herself into Harry for him to notice me. When he finally did. He dropped his bag again. "Kassie?" Harry asked. 

"Chare." I greeted with a grin on my face and a few tears. Both he and Ginny ran up to give me a big hug. 

"KASSIE!" Ginny yelled not caring if she made Madam Pince chase after her. "Oh... we were so worried about you. When Umbitch and everything that happened-" 

Harry smiled. "It's... it's good to see you again, Kassie. I thought we were going to have to depart Hogwarts just to find you again." 

"You would've done that for me?" I asked stunned. 

"Of course." Ginny answered. "Although, Hermione would've insisted we bring our textbooks to study for O.W.Ls.

"Ginny... you're a fourth year." Harry pointed out.

"Yeah, but you know that Hermione would've wanted for me to get a head start." Ginny replied.

I was so glad to have such great friends in my life.

"Hey! What are we doing standing around here?" Harry asked. "Ron, Hermione, Ryan, Neville and the Gods will be so thrilled to have you back! Come on!" 

"Right!" I wanted to see my friends again! So badly. And my Boyfriend!

That was when we heard someone coming from down the halls. It was McGonagall. "What is all that shouting?! I could hear it from-" McGonagall suddenly saw me. "MISS BAUER! GOOD HEAVENS! YOU'RE BACK!" 

"Professor McGonagall!" I yelled back smiling. 

"Where did you go, anyway?" Ginny asked. "We looked all over Hogsmeade and Hogwarts for you." 

"I think I would like to know that too." McGonagall said. "Umbridge said that you were kidnapped by the Magi. But I would like to hear your side of the story." 

"I'm sorry. A lot of things went haywire. After Umbitch interrogated me in her office. She made me pass out. And you will not believe where I've been." 

"Try me." McGonagall dared. 

I told them the whole story about Japan. The Village. And the Yama Uba. And the aftermath of my family finding me and bringing me home. And what Ethan said about the whole thing. "And then Ethan basically resigned from being an Auror out of disgust. Same with Jacob." I added. 

"That wouldn't surprise me. Honestly, if it wasn't for the well being of the students, I would resign from Hogwarts myself. And so would Madam Pomfrey." McGonagall commented. "The nerve of that woman, Umbridge. How could she think-?"

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