Chapter 25: Seen and Unforeseen.

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I remember Luna saying that she did not know how soon Skeeter's interview with us would appear in the Quibbler, that her Pater was expecting a lovely long article on recent sightings of Crumple Horned Snorkacks. "And of course, that'll be a very important story, so Harry and your interview might have to wait for the following issue." Luna informed me one day.

"That's fine. Whenever you get to it." I replied. 

I had told the truth and exactly what happened. And what had gone on through that Graveyard. I owed it to Cedric to do that no matter how bad it brought up memories. Though... Harry had not found it an easy experience to talk about the night that Voldemort returned. Skeeter pressed for every little detail and we had given her everything that we could remember, knowing that this we would never get another opportunity like this. A part of me guessed that it would confirm a lot of people in the view that Harry and I were completely insane, probably because our story would be appearing alongside the Crumple Horned Snorkacks. But the breakout of Bellatrix Lestrange and her fellow Death Eaters and that Dragon Priest attack had given me a desire now to do something. 

Speaking of the Dragon Priest, Jacob informed Dumbledore about what happened. And he also advise the Ministry to be on full alert. 

"What did they say?" I asked Jacob and Ethan while communicating with my brothers through Legilimency on Monday at dinner. 

"Well, first, I told Dumbledore that we should be ready for another attack in case the Dragon Priest comes back. Maybe get Mad Eye and Lupin to come in and help us. He agreed. He said to give me this... It's a little stone. Said that if the Dragon Priest showed up again. More members of the Order of the Phoenix would come. And then I told the Ministry what happened, and that we should increase security around Hogsmeade. And reach out to the rest of the world. Just to be safe." Ethan answered.

"And what did they say?" I asked. 

"Fudge said that he would do no such thing. If we increase security, then we raise more alarm than there already is. And Fudge is pretty much in the habit of telling everyone that Voldemort is not back and telling people that he is will only cause destruction and chaos." Ethan answered. 

I couldn't believe it. "There already is destruction and chaos! The Dragon Priest saw to that when he attacked us at Hogsmeade!" I protested. But then I realized something. "Oh, my Gods. 'We await the Ministry's reply'. So, that's why the Dragon Priest attacked. It's just to show how utterly incompetent the Ministry of Magic's become." 

"Well, now we know we can't rely on the Ministry." Jacob replied. "But while the Ministry won't do anything about the Dragon Priest. We will." 

"And what about those Death Eaters that escaped?" I asked. 

"The Auror Department has commanded that I lead the campaign to take down the convicts." Ethan answered. "Seems I had the right credentials. Fudge at first didn't want me to take the lead. He said it was because I was very close with Dumbledore. Same with the Toad Wart. But under pressure from the Ministry officials to put me in charge, Fudge conceded." 

That made me feel better. If anyone could get this whole Death Eater thing under control, it was Ethan. At least we would have some competence. "And... you're going to throw the Death Eaters back into Azkaban?" I asked.

There was a brief pause. "Kassie..." Ethan said. "They're not Arrest warrants I'm going to issue. They're Death Warrants." 

Death Warrants? Did I hear that right? "Death Warrants?" I asked. 

"It means if we find these escaped Death Eaters, don't arrest, eliminate." Jacob clarified. 

"Why?" I asked. 

Kassandra Bauer and the Order of the Phoenix. (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now