The story of how i died

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A/n it's a lot like the other one 'An immortal and the scarlet witch'. But things are still different... for obvious reasons some things had to change. I just really wanted to do a rewrite of my first story... I I've done just that. Read it and find the new story instead of listening to me babble. And I know there is a typo in the story title but just ignore it, it's plastered on to many places to change. Hope you still enjoy it.


Y/n pov

"LET ME OUT" i scream from inside of some container. "PLEASE, I'LL DO ANYTHING" but no one listens as something moves in the hoses connected to both my arms, causing me to let out another ear breaking scream.

The container looks a lot like the one they used for both my brother and Steve. But there is a difference between them and me, i'm not like them. I'm not strong, i don't have a strong will, i won't make it. The pain comes rushing through my veins as i feel my life slipping away instead of my screams. Suddenly the pain stops and i realise that it's the end as everything goes dark.

I'm awakened by a bright white hospital light as i start to gasp for air i don't need. How is this even possible? I died, right? I sit up straight on the metal table as i look around the room. It looks like a morgue, like a hospital morgue and not at Hydra. I see multiple dead bodies in body bags, i can smell them too. What the hell happened to me?

"Excuse me, where am i?" i managed to ask a nurse that was passing by outside the open door. But as soon as she sees me, her eyes grow into fear before she rushes down what must be a corridor. That's when i notice my reflection in a window, the only thing covering me being a white sheet and nothing more. As i move to sit on the side i wrap the sheet around me like a dress, not the most comfortable fabric but there's nothing else here.

The corridor floor is cold but still i don't feel it as much as i think i'm supposed to. I can feel the cold AC air but it doesn't bother me, the smell of death and metal is a little too much. The sound of alarms, people crying and talking, the sound of knives cutting into human skin. It's all overwhelming. A door opens behind me and i stiff at the movement.

"Are you lost ma'am?" a male voice asks behind me. I can hear his breathing, his heartbeats and even how he leans more on his left leg then right. I feel how my mouth starts to water in his presence. He lies a hand on my arm to get me to turn towards him but his touch is too much for me to bear, making me shy away and press my back against the wall.

"I'm sorry ma'am but this is a restricted area, i'll have to ask you to go back to your room" his voice is too much but i manage to look up at him. His gaze changes as he notices that i'm only wearing a sheet.

"Ma'am, can you hear me? Can you talk?" he asks i don't know. Everything is too much now that i don't even know if i can trust my own voice. Everything now really wants me to cry and if i stay i'll break down. But i can't do that, not after all i've been through.

"I... i'm..." i at least try but fail very much. What the hell is happening to me? My memory is too foggy to remember what happened at Hydra. Will they tell James that i died?

"I understand, just nod or shake your head instead and come with me" he says and i nod. Thankfully he doesn't touch me again as he leads me towards the elevator.

"Can you answer some questions?" he asks and i nod, not really knowing what else to do. I need to concentrate on something to not rip his throat out... wait WHAT?

"Do you know how you got down here?" he asks and i try to remember but i can't. The only thing i remember is the pain, how i couldn't handle it like i had seen James do a thousand times.

"Alright, i'll make sure you're safe now" he says and continues to lead me into an empty hospital room. A nurse comes in as the man exists, she gives me a hospital dress that i quickly put on before she starts to connect some wires between me and a machine as the man goes out.

"Okay honey, can you tell me your name?" the nurse asks as she continues to connect the wires.

"Y... Bennett, Armana Bennett" my voice sounds desperate and it is. If i didn't give them my name they would find out and hydra would find me and realise that i'm alive... or whatever the hell i am. But i can feel now that it might have been a mistake to use my husband's last name... but it'll be the only thing i have left from him.

"Okay Mrs Bennet, everything is going to be..." But as soon as she turns it on there's nothing showing, just a line and she stares at me. Which tells me that i'm not imagining that.

"Don't worry sweetie, it's probably just broken. It happens sometimes. Stay here while i get another one" she says and walks out of the room. But i can't stay here, i know i can't. And as soon as that thought has gone through my head i'm already out in the corridor which is filled with people. The smell of their blood and the sound of their heartbeats are unbearable. I take the first door that's not a hospital room and walk in, the sign saying on-call room. In one of the beds lies a man sleeping, it's the doctor from earlier. His slow heartbeat ringing in my ears as my mouth waters. I'm just so damn hungry and it hurts so much to resist.

The next thing i know is that my hospital gown is drenched in blood and that he's lying dead in front of me. But i don't panic, there is just this calmness. I mean it's not like it was my first kill, but i don't remember anything of it. I find some clothes in one of the cabinets and put them on, taking the doctor's watch as well after washing it off. I meet a bloodstained face in a mirror but it's not the blood that catches my attention, it's the dark blood red in my eyes that's so deep and new. What the hell am i?

Some security runs in the corridor where i'm walking. My long y/h/c hair lies over the back of my turquoise dress and light grey coatee. The only thing separating me from the other women in the room are my eyes that i hide under my falling hair. All i know is that i have to get out before the cavalry arrives. So many questions roaming my head. What the hell happened at Hydra that made them leave me at the morgue. I feel like my lungs are holding back a breath but there's no air in them that needs to get out. There's no need for it, i don't have to breathe because i'm not alive anymore. But what does not stop is the burning hunger in my throat. I need to feed.

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