"I'll bring him in promptly," she promised, leading Felix closer into the forbidden forest. 

"Should we worry?"

"She'll be fine," Harry promised. "I feel better that she isn't alone. All I'm worried about is the rain."

"Is that really all you're worried about?"

"No, but I like to pretend that it is. Makes me feel better," Harry replied with a sigh.

"You talking to me about what's wrong might help. We don't have to talk about it now, but remember that I'm here for you."

"I know. I'm just so tired of being sad all the time."

"Are you actually sad all the time? Or are you currently just hyper fixating on all of the negatives and allowing that to cloud your perception of events?"

"I- well... huh."

"Think about it," Draco offered, resuming his cloud watching.

"I'm not sad when I'm with you," Harry said carefully. "Even if I am sad, you help me forget about it. You make me face it head on actually," he corrected.

"Days like this, I think that I can be happy for longer periods of time. You give me a set amount of time to be sad before forcing me to get over it and work through whatever the issue is. Like today for example. I can't recall anyone ever going out of their way to do anything for me like you did today. You made sure that I wasn't alone, that I wouldn't wake up alone. You held me, and you talked me down. You sacrificed your sleep to stay awake with me to make sure I was okay. The whole day was something that you either planned in advance or put together in a short amount of time, and I don't know what's more impressive.

Anything I've mentioned in passing that I liked or that makes me feel better, you gave me today. You brought me to see my parents, you took me to breakfast at a place that was clearly special to you. You brought me to see Andy and Teddy. You eat with me outside and take care of Felix and just listen to me. I really appreciate you Draco."

"You deserve to be treated in the way that you treat other people. You go above and beyond for everyone else, it's about time that someone did the same for you," Draco brushed off.

"Don't devalue what you do for me because you feel like others should do the same. That's not how the world works. I'm not seen for me, I'm seen for who people think I am, who they think I should be. You see me, and that's what matters to me."

Whatever Draco's response would be was cut off by a rumble of thunder.

"How long do you think we have?"

"You can count between the thunder and lightning which hasn't started yet. We should head in though, I don't like the feeling that lightning has on my magic."

Harry quickly packed everything up, and as they began their walk back to the castle it started to rain. Draco cursed quietly as he hadn't bothered to grab a jacket on his way out and he was wearing a thin shirt. Immediately, Harry removed his and handed it to Draco.

On their walk, the wind had picked up, and Draco grimaced. He didn't mind being out in the rain, but lightning storms always made him feel off. Harry didn't seem to mind the electrical energy surging through the air. He was walking into the rain head on, only seeming irritated by the rain speckling his glasses.

By the time the two men made it inside, they were soaked.

"I would've cast a charm but I didn't want to risk it," Draco explained, pulling off the hood of the jacket Harry gave him.

"You know, I didn't even think about casting a charm."

"I'm not surprised that you didn't. You're so used to the muggle lifestyle even after all of these years. It's not a bad thing of course, just an observation. It seems unless the magic is directly coming from you that you forget about it."

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