Mom (Ep. 21)

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Time skip

I put the things inside the room. The room was so neat and perfect. I took out my phone to text Varun.


Y/n?! Are you guys back

Yes! But we're at Taehyung's!




His dad asked to bring me to home along with Tae.

Wow! Great!!


You're telling me now? After reaching there?

Yo man, I didn't mean to. It's been only 15 minutes, I was so nervous!

I can understand!

I'm sorry!

Arey no sorrys yaar!


So whatcha doing?

Chatting with you?

I meant, apart from that!🙄

Just now set my things in the room.

Taehyung's room?

🤦‍♀️.No in separate room

Don't lie girl.

I didn't idiot!


Arey! Truly man! Shut your dirty mind!

It's not dirty, it's pure.😑

Only you should say that🙄


😂!Imma wash up now!Talk to you later Varun

Huh bye!!


I put the phone down and went to wash up.

Slipping inside the comfortable yet presentable clothes, I went out of the room, and peeked inside Tae's room. He was sitting on the bed scrolling through his phone. He had fresh clothes on. A checked shorts and a white t-shirt, with his half dried hair he looked so damn good just in this simple attire.

I smiled and knocked on the opened door. He looked up at me. His face lit up as soon as she saw me on the door frame, "Why are you knocking? Just come in already," he jumped out of the bed and came towards me, and dragged me inside. "Tae... tour your home," I asked. "Our home" he stressed the word again. I nodded, smiling. Are you this sweet to everyone or just to me?

Time skip (evening)

It's already 4pm now. We had Korean lunch. It's really amazing.

Taehyung's mom got up from the couch to prepare some snacks. I also got up from it to follow her. "Where are you going?" Tae asked as he held my wrist, halting me from going. "Gonna help aunt," I replied. He smiled widely, "Okay," he nodded his head.

"Oh y/n... do you want anything?" She noticed me entering the room. "No aunty, I just came to help you," I smiled. "Help me? No.. go back y/n, I can take care." she assuredly nodded her head. "No... aunt let me help you," I really wanted to. "Okay... if you insist." she agreed. My smile grew wider.

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