I'm her boyfriend (Ep. 16)

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Why are you here? I told you not to meddle in this case!" Mr. William abruptly rose up from his seat. "But dad, I had to!" Taehyung stood up as well but he seemed less tense compared to his dad. "What? Why did you have to do so? You are nothing in this matter!" he roared. "I am. I am something in this case!" he snapped back as I saw his ears get pink in anger.

"What Something?" William tensely raises his eyebrows while Taehyung gazed away, sighing. Noticing that this is getting intense I rose from my seat.

"Tae," I tried to hold his hand. "I'm her boyfriend. I want her to be safe. I don't want her to get hurt again." He pressed his other palm on the table making thud noise in the tensed atmosphere. I can't help but look at him wordlessly. At this very moment I realised, there is someone who could be beside me,


"What?!" His father's eyebrows furrowed. "Taehyung, did you know what you are getting yourself into? This case is not like you think. They are the same bastards who killed your sister and your girlfriend, they killed y/n's whole family Taehyung. They will not hesitate to kill y/n too. She is in danger, we are taking measures to protect her. So please don't get involved in this, son!" he asserted.

He is right. If he stays with me, he will get hurt. I definitely don't want him to get hurt by me. No, not at all. He may intend to stay with me but I can't leave him be. It will make his life worse. I don't want to pull him in this danger further.

"Dad, I don't want her to leave her like this. If y/n is not safe then it's my responsibility to protect. Can't I take the right to stay beside her? Dad, why can't you understand? I love her, I really do. I don't want to lose her like I lost Jenny and Sae-mi... Intentionally or not, I fell in love with her. I will not leave her alone no matter what comes." Taehyung sternly volubed.

I watched him, utterly shocked how serious his words were. Tears threatened to fall as I blinked away. Taehyung held my hand.

"But... Taehyung, where is the lie in his words? He is right. You're not safe with me. I don't want you to get hurt, Taehyung. I don't want you to pull you in this" I tenderly uttered as I tried to control my tears.

"You too Y/n?" His gaze turned into worry. "How will I leave you alone? How can I watch you struggling alone? When- when I'm your freaking boyfriend? Is that how you thought of me?" He madly yet painfully uttered. I gazed away as a few threatening tears escaped.

I heard his dad sighing deeply. He sat himself on the seat. "Okay... if you want to protect her, then do it. But make sure, your mom and I will not lose our son as well" his dad calmly uttered but his words sounded serious.

"I promise you dad, This will get to a good ending" he sincerely utters. It was really surprising how serious he was about me. I never thought this was coming, never. He nodded. "So shall we get into the process?" His dad asked. We sat ourselves on the seat.

"So this is the video. Please unlock it," he handed me a tablet. I pressed my finger on the print, and they were trembling. It unlocked. I gave it back to him. Not daring to watch and it's not proper to do so without his permission.

He watched the video for a bit, and gazed at me. "Thank you Miss," he smiled. It was nice to see his smile. "No mention sir. Please work hard to arrest them," I requested. "Definitely we will, don't worry." He assuredly smiled again. I returned his smile back. "Okay then dad, we are leaving." Taehyung uttered as he got up from the seat, so did I.

"Yeah. I will tell the officer to drop you" his dad grabbed his phone to call. "There's no need for it dad. We will go on our own" Taehyung stopped him, casually. "How?" His eyebrows furrowed. "We came here by car," Taehyung replied. "Your mom sent it?" His dad found it. "Yeah" he agreed. His dad sighed and shook his head either side. Taehyung smiled. "Why is he smiling in this situation?"

"Okay go back safely" Mr. William nodded. "Sure dad" Taehyung grabbed my hand. We left the station as Taehyung drove off to our dorm.

While on the way, I couldn't bring anything to speak. My mood is disturbed. Taehyung stayed silent as well. It seemed like he understood me. "Oh, he is surprising, that makes me fall for him deeper." I stared out of the window as I remembered the day when my father asked me to encrypt the video.


Mr. William is a good bo- man :)

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