Chapter 21

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Chase Pov:

I waked up to the sound of light snoring, my head was thumping slightly I reach over to grab a bottle of water on the night stand that Aiden left there last night and an Aspirin, I popped the Aspirin in my mouth and took a swig of water,I rested the bottle back on the nightstand. I glanced over at my left and was greeted with the most beautiful sight, I felt like the luckiest guy on earth I woke up next to my two very beautiful loves. Rachel was laying on her back her head laid on my arm snoring lightly and Aiden's head was tucked in the corner of her neck his hands gripping Rachel's cladded chest lightly.

I took my hand and passed it throw Aiden's curly hair waiting to see if he will react,which he didn't so that meant he was still fast asleep. I gently leaned over Rachel as not to wake her, as I positioned my mouth over his to steal a quick kiss from Aiden's brown juicy chocolate lips all the while praying to God that I don't get caught. When it was over all I wanted was for it to be nothing more than the real thing,I felt sad that, that may not happen anytime soon.

When I position myself back in my spot ,Rachel's eye was straight on me,she gave me a small smile,she whispered 'don't worry soon you wouldn't have to be sneaking to get secret kisses,matter of fact you are going to get a real kiss today I promise you that'."Well I'm pretty curious to see how you're going to accomplish that".'Don't worry your pretty little head about it,just wait and you'll see',"Ok I'll trust you". 'But for now bring your sexy lips right here',she pointed at her own,'So I can taste it', she said licking her lips I laughed and did exactly what she demanded.

I clasped my mouth on her's as we kissed each other with a fiery hunger,tongues searching and exploring every corner of each other's mouth. We were so lost in the kiss that we didn't even notice that Aiden was awake. We pulled away from the kiss because we were out of breath, Aiden took advantage of the opportunity and started trailing little kisses up Rachel's  neck,while Rachel giggle at the tickles she felt from his lips softly kissing her skin.

His lips eventually made its way to her's and they mouths locked in a passionate kiss,I laid they watching as they kiss. Rachel stopped midway through the kiss she stared at Aiden then at me she grabbed us both by our chins and bought our lips to hers at first we just laid they with our lips pressed against each other's mostly because both Aiden and I was a bit taken aback at the fact that she made such a bold move.

We slowly started to move our lips when we eventually got comfortable and started a full blow three way kiss with tongues involved. I don't know how we managed to do that,I had little experience in that department but did Rachel and Aiden also did? Don't know why these taughts were entering in my head in a moment like this,when I should actually be enjoying the kiss because Aiden's freaking lips was actually on mines willingly,so I should be focused on that after all.

Another unexpected thing happened Rachel removed her lips off ours and my lips was now fully planted on Aiden's,I don't think he noticed because he continued kissing me,we were interrupted by Rachel's phone alarm going off but for that brief moment when our lips was together it was magical.

Aiden pulled away immediately after hearing the alarm he did seemed a little dazed when he realized that it was me he was kissing before he could say anything Rachel cleared her throat 'Guys I sorry for breaking up the little make out sess but I have to get ready to leave I'll make you guys breakfast in bed so don't leave go back to sleep or something but don't leave this room'. Rachel left with a big bright smile on her face,she did deliver on her promise I will definitely have to thank her later for that.

Aiden and I just laid there on the bed in awkward silent until he decided to scroll through his phone and I just laid there reminiscing about the kiss we just had with a big stupid grin plastered on my face. I even found myself dozing off for a while until I was interrupted from my sleep by soft hands rubbing my arms and a kiss to my cheek waking me back up.

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