Chapter 2

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Here's a picture of Chase ☝

I knocked at the door,I waited for a reply when none came,I knocked again,still they wasn't a response.

I walked at the side of the house and peeked threw the window with my daughter in hand,I saw no one, just then a light bulb went off in my head how stupid can I be,I just remember this is usually the time my parents go on their yearly cruise around the Caribbean for their anniversary.

Serves me well for thinking that I can just show up here unannounced without so much as a phone call and to think everything will go smoothly.

I walked around the house to the back patio to see if they still keep the spear keys hidden in the same spot but boy was I disappointed.

"What the fuck was I going to do now!",I said out loud, my daughter jumped at the sudden outburst.

I quickly apologized to her and gave her a peck on her cheeks,she smiled at me with the most adorable smile.

Gosh she was such a cutie,she resemble her beautiful mother with her hazel colored eyes,her slightly chubby round face,with rosie red cheeks,round lips,her pail skin and medium blond hair which was the only thing she got from me apart from my attitude at times.

I sighed as I taught about what to do next,I made my way back to the car and buckle my daughter in her car seat,I headed straight to my best friend house.

I knew this was usually the time he comes home from work,once again, I exited my car with my daughter in hand and I knocked on the second door for the day and let out a sigh......hopefully my best friend was home.

I heard a sweet melodious voice reply 'I'm coming'.

As the front door swang open, I was ewe struck. There infront of me was the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen.

She had dark brown hair with bangs, her straight hair was shoulder length. She had big brown chocolate colored eyes,with beautiful long lashes followed by a cute rounded nose,full kissable lips that was in a frown at the moment.

Her caramel colored skin glistening, her bust was a C-cup,she had a coca cola shape with gorgeous long legs. She was about 5'7 and was simply breathtakingly beautiful.

I couldn't help the smile that touch my lips. I needed to snap out of this trance the woman had me in. I had to remind myself that this was my best friend wife.

But damn she was gorgeous.

I compose myself and said "good evening miss I'm a friend of your husband Aiden is he here!"

It looked like a light went off in her head and she grabbed me along with my daughter into a tight hug.

After letting go she flash a dazling white smile,she apologized and quickly introduced herself.

'Hi I'm Rachel,I've heard so much about you,it so nice to finally meet you in person,I swear Aiden talks about you all the time,I feel like I already know you',that bought a smile to my face knowing that my friend talk about me so much.

She suddenly face palm her head,'I'm so sorry where are my manners. Please come in and make yourself at home,have a seat'.

She directed me to the couch and called her son who looked to be about four years of age,to introduce us.

He came running in the room. 'This is our son Aaron and our two year old daughter Renae is taking her evening nap'.

I also introduced her and her son Aaron to my daughter Lucy she was happy to meet someone else around her age.

Aaron asked if he could take Lucy to the playroom to play.

I looked at his mother for approval she nodded her head yes, so I placed Lucy down on the ground and Aaron reached for her little hands and she didn't hesitate to grab onto his hands as well, he took her and led her into the playroom,I watched until they where out of sight.

So Mrs.Richardson.....she interrupted me 'You can call me Rachel',.

Uhmm...Sorry Rachel when is Aiden coming home?. I really needed to talk to him.

She reply 'He will be home in time for dinner, you can talk then. For now you can help me prepare for dinner, while the kids play'.

She directed me to a guess room upstairs to rest Lucy baby bag and told me to wash up,so that I can help her prepare dinner.

I made my way back down the stairs and peeped in on Lucy and Aaron to make sure everything was alright.

Lucy was playing peekaboo with Aaron and giggling loudly.

I went into the kitchen, R&B music was playing and Rachel was shaking her hips to the beat of the music.

I leaned on the kitchen archway and watched,I couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

Rachel turned to me and flash that dazzling white smile.

God was she beautiful.

I asked her what she needed help with she pointed to the already peel onion and garlic next to the cutting board along with a bowl of tomatoes,potatoes and freshly wash lettuce I began chopping them up quickly and asked what else she needed done.

She watch what I did and nodded in approval,just then we heard her daughter Renae calling for her on the baby moniter.

She handed me the spoon and said 'can you please stir the pot and strain the rice. I will be back in a minute,the strainer is in the cupboard on your right,thank you!'.

I quickly did what I was told,Rachel came down with Renae on her hip and sat her down by the the table in her high chair and handed her a bowl of fruit along with a spoon.She took it and gave her mom a toothy smile,one thing for certain she definitely got her looks from her Dad.

Rachel took over and told me to please check on the kids and help them wash up for dinner.

I went to the playroom and told the kids it was time for dinner,I asked Aaron where the changing table was so that I can change Lucy diaper,he grab my hand and guided me straight to his sister's bedroom.

I quickly changed her diaper and place the dirty one in the bin.We then headed to the bathroom and wash up and headed back down the stairs.

The kitchen was filled with a delicious aroma. Upon seeing me, Rachel handed me the dinner ware and I help set the table,by the time I was finished I heard the front door open.

Hi guys,hope you like the song don't forget to please vote,share and comment 😊 bye 👋

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