Chapter 9

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Rachel Prov:

I woke up with the memory of what happened yesterday fresh in my head. The fact that Chase was at our bedroom door watching Aiden and I make love with his dick in his hand,I wonder how long was he there? It had  to be a long time,for him to be there comfortably with his hand wrapped around his dick wanking off ! Masturbating! Who was he masturbating to was it me? Was it Aiden? All these taughts came to my head. 

Aiden had never mentioned to me if Chase had ever came onto him before. But now that I go through all the memories of the moments they interacted it dawn on me. He always stared at Aiden a little to long but.... then again,I always thought he was staring at him with admiration and the way he used to hugged him a little longer than needed,I just taught he did that because he missed him.

I let out a little laugh,wow I'm so stupid not to see the signs he's freaking in love with my husband.

Wow who in their right mind will leave the city to come back to this boring ass town,to live with they parents who literally kick them out of their house, unless he had something or someone to come back too,someone who cared deeply for him and who he cared deeply for. I wondered was Aiden and Chase ever together?

Aiden didn't strike me as someone who like guys,I mean neither did Chase but Chase told me himself that he is Bi. Even when we went out together with the kids,he wasn't checking anyone out, his attention was fully on Aiden and I and the kids.I mean he always flirtatious with Aiden and I,always complimenting us when we go out and making flirty jokes but I've always figured that's just how he is.

I haven't been around him to long to see how he interacts with others but I've never seen Aiden interact with any guys the way he interacts with Chase but then again he doesn't talk much around others but with Chase its different he is more relaxed and fully himself,like how he is with me and the kids.

I guess its just that we are his people.I don't know what to think. Ughhh maybe I'm just reading to much into the situation,they are just friends and Chase probably hadn't had sex in a while,he was just horny,he heard us and decided to watch. If I saw someone having sex I wouldn't be able to help myself but watch as well,so maybe that's just it.

I must admit it did turn me on seeing him watching us. We actually had a round two,seeing Chase watching us made me even more hornier and because Aiden didn't see him watching us made it all more exhilarating.

I even fantasize about Aiden and Chase fucking. Chase putting his dick into Aiden's tight little pucker hole as Aiden's scream out in pleasure,what the hell is wrong with me who else fantasizes about their man getting railed by his bestfriend.

Let's just blame that on my lack of sexually experiences after all Aiden was the only guy I ever slept with and Chase is such a sweet heart,he's really handsome and those beautiful striking blue eyes of his makes you feel like he looking deep into your soul. He's funny,he's a really great Dad,not to mention he's hot AF and the fact that he knows how to cook,that shit really turns me on.

He definitely someone I would've marry if I wasn't already sigh...I saw the look on his face yesterday when we locked eyes,he was scared that he got caught but there was something else going through his mind.

Something much deeper I don't know what it was,he was more than scared,I hoped when I smiled at him yesterday that it reassured him that I wasn't pissed off at the situation. I had to talk to him and clear up all the questions and taughts in my head before my imagination runs too wild. I shaked all  the taughts out of my head as I got up kiss Aiden good morning and headed to the bathroom.

Minutes later I was in the kitchen preparing breakfast and lunch for everyone. It was Monday so my husband had work and the kids had school. Today was Lucy first day at the Daycare Center,she was going to the same school as the kids where there is a Preschool and Daycare in one. She will definitely have fun.

I remember the kids first day when we took them there,they saw all the toys and kids their age they didn't even care when we said goodbye to them. Chase and I made plans today to go shopping for Lucy's school items and some new clothes for her after he register's her at her new school. So I was hoping to have a chat with him since we will be spending most of the day together. I quickly prepared everything and went to get the kids ready for school.

Chase Prov:

I woke up in a cold sweat as I recalled the events that took place last night. How could I have been so stupid  to be thinking with my dick instead of my head,now I may have possibly ruined my friendship with Aiden and his wife just because I couldn't control my urges.

How could I have done something so disrespectful to them after all they had done for me. I didn't know what to think would they still let me stay after what happened last night. I'm sure she already told Aiden and they are trying to figure out a way to tell me politely to get the fuck out of their house.

I didn't want to thing about it anymore,today was Lucy first at Daycare also would they still agree to let Lucy go the same school as their kids? Would they still allow Lucy to have a relationship with they kids after all they were already attached to each other.

How could I have done this to my baby girl,keep tearing people out of her life after she's gotten so comfortable with them. Today was going to be the moment of truth weather or not we get kicked out of they life or we get to stay.

I really hope by some miracle we do get to stay, I love being around them,I actually truly and deeply love them and I couldn't fathom the taught of leaving them,even if it meant not being more than friends, that was okay with me as long as I got to stick around and be in they presence.

I got out of bed and got ready for the day by the time I was finished Lucy was already awake I checked the time and saw we had an hour left to get ready and leave.I quickly got Lucy dress for her first day at Daycare,I could already smell the aroma coming from downstairs so I knew Rachel was already awake and making breakfast.

I was mentally preparing myself for the conversation I'm sure we will be having. I took a deep breath and headed downstairs with Lucy in tow when we reach the kitchen no one was there but breakfast was already sprawl on the dining room table and all the kids lunch including Aiden lunch for work was packed.I sat Lucy down and we ate breakfast as we waited for everyone else.

The first person to come down the stairs was Aiden with Renae attached to his hip,already dressed,he greeted Lucy and I good morning which surprised me. I looked into his eyes and there was no hint of anger at all,I knew my bestfriend he was not one to hold back,even if the kids were around he would have been staring daggers at me or show some kind of hatred towards me but nothing like that happen it was clear to me that Rachel didn't say anything to him.

He sat Renae down at the table placing a bib around her neck. Aaron came downstairs next with his school uniform on followed by Rachel,who greeted me good morning staring  directly into my eyes and I knew that look I was in trouble....

Another chapter completed,sorry for leaving it at a cliff hanger guys. Next chapter will be up next week 😀

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