Chapter 18

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Chase Pov:

I didn't bother trying to stay awake last night to ensure that Rachel and Aiden was back safely because I knew that they will be back late. I wanted to be fresh and alert for tomorrow's interview so I went to bed early. I woke up at 11pm to take a piss and get a glass of water because my throat was parched while heading back from the kitchen I heard the front door opened and heard Rachel giggling,you could hear clearly that she was drunk I turn back and headed to the front door to assist in any way I can. When I reached at the front door Aiden was struggling to hold up a drunk giggling Rachel with her purse and some take-away which I assume was from the restaurant.

I quickly reached out and took Rachel from him swinging her over my shoulder while he muttered thanks,he continued to lock the door and walk towards the kitchen to put the take- away in the fridge. I told him I will carry Rachel up to the room, he just nodded. I made quick work walking up the stairs and entered the bedroom I laid Rachel on the edge of her bed taking off her shoes and unzipping her dress struggling a little to get it off when I was finished I gently pushed her down so that she could lay down. While putting her down on the bed to lay down she grabbed at my shoulder pulling me down in the process which ended up with me on top of her and her giggling loudly. I tried getting back up but she just pulled me back down grabbing my head resting it on her chest patting my head aggressively, I might add! asking me not to go.

"Rachel sweetheart you know I can't stay", that was one of our rules that couldn't be broken,maybe if Aiden allowed it I could stay for a few minutes or until she passes out. Surely Aiden wouldn't mind this if it was something Rachel wanted, I made myself comfortable as I cuddle closer to Rachel,my head still laying on her chest and the rest of my body between her legs as I laid waiting for Aiden to come upstairs. It wasn't long until Aiden was upstairs and in the bedroom, he looked into our direction and shaked his head at the sight giving a chuckle. Guess he didn't mind.

Moments later we were all sprawled on the bed in just silence listening to each other heart beats beat. I interrupted the silence "So how was your date night guys?" Rachel answer was a giggle which turned into uncontrollable laughter my head being on her chest rattle,I stuck my hand out and rubbed at the side of her arms trying to calm her. Aiden was the one who responded, 'It was great we went to an Italian restaurant outside of town, it's called Aioli.'

'It has the most divine food, we ate the linguini pasta with pepperonata chicken roasted red peppersauce,kalamatas,spinach,cream cheese,and the soup with Cesar salad. Rachel had some white chardonnay from A-Z wineworks the wine was exquisite it was a very sweet tasty wine Rachel really like it so she ended up drinking a lot and it creep up on her so that's why she's drunk.' 'The food tasted so good that we ate every last drop and bought some extra dishes to bring home,so you can help yourself to some you can probably carry it to eat after your job interview for lunch tomorrow just don't take the container that has an R on it because that's Rachel dessert she ordered it especially for herself', on hearing that Rachel lifted my head up and watch me sternly, which look really funny because she was half awake and half asleep,"Rachel don't worry I wouldn't dream about doing such a thing".

Aiden and I made some light conversation until Rachel was fast asleep,I didn't waste anytime I unclasped Rachel hands that was around me and gave her a kiss on the cheek, wished Aiden a goodnight and headed to my room. I wanted Aiden for a long time now but I wasn't going to rush into anything I'm waiting for him to make the first move,I don't want him to feel force into it, I want it to happen as naturally as possible.

It was Friday the big day for my interview. The interview was to take place at 10:30am this morning, I tried getting some extra sleep but I was too excited about the interview this was my dream job and I wanted everything to go smoothly today. I made my way to the kitchen,I could hear music playing as I walked in Rachel was in the kitchen swaying to an old school music by JLo and Jah rule. With a spatula in hand singing, I laughed at the sight," You sure do recover quickly",she jumped and turned around with her hand clutching her chest. I don't if it was because I caught her doing something embarrassing or because I scared her.

Yes I have a secret formula I use to cure any hangovers and it works in no time."Well you got to let me in on that secret ",she place the spatula on her cheek gently tapping it, 'we'll see, I can't promise that you will like it'. I made my way over to her and kissed her flush on her lips,giving her a slow passionate kiss. We break apart to ketch our breath,when our breathing regulate I took her hands and pulled her closely towards me as Ed sheeran thinking out loud began to play we slowly swayed to the music enjoying the feel of being in each other arms. When the music was finished we kissed once more and I settle down to eat breakfast.

Rachel made a plate for me and I pulled her down on top of my lap as she place the plate down infront of me as I ate breakfast I fed some to Rachel. When I was nearly done Aiden came down the stairs, I don't know when I will get use to freely being intimate with Rachel infront of Aiden. I told him good morning,ate the remaining of food on my plate as Rachel greeted him with a kiss and then proceeded to make a plate for him as he sat down around the kitchen table. I took my leave and headed upstairs to take my time to get ready for my big job interview.

Sorry for the short chapter but I promise I'll make it up to you guys in the next chapter.

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