Chapter 11

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After Rachel's and I conversation at the mall,I felt a weight lifted of my shoulders. I finally admitted to her the way I felt about her and Aiden it felt fucking great! I no longer had to keep the secret of being in love with my bestfriend to myself. Now I actually have someone who I could talk to about it, nevermind her being his wife she was ok with me talking about my feelings towards him,she even seem turned on,when I talk about all the little things I love about him.

Which made me fall deeper in love with her.After our long conversation over drinks we went shopping for Lucy school items and we decided to eat a late lunch at the mall. When we were at the restaurant two friends of Rachel spotted us and asked to join us for lunch,she didnt really seemed interested in chatting with them. They spent most of their time,drooling over me and telling  Rachel how lucky she was to be locked in the house with two handsome guys and how there rarely get to see her at night,they where really starting to get on my nerves with all their stupid banter and dumb questions.

When Rachel was finish eating,I pretended to check the watch on my wrist and said "wow,look at the time who got to get going other wise we will be late. " I grabbed Rachel by the hands along with our belonging before the women could say anything else and we high tailed out of there we didn't even stop till we were outside the parking lot by Rachel's car.

We both laughed after we caught our breath leaning against the car,I rest the bags on the hood of the car. After calming down I looked Rachel in the eyes and asked her "Rachel I know I'm not supposed to ask this of you but can I please kiss you",I looked in her eyes pleading for permission,waiting for a response she whispered a soft breathy  yes...,I wasted no time as I pressed my lips against hers in a passionate kiss.

Rachel kissed back with a hunger for more she went up on her tiptoes as to get as close as possible as her tongue explore every crease and corner of my mouth,I let out a breathy sigh as I licked her lower lips,my heart beating fast as blood rushed to cock,I pulled  away slowly nipping at her lips,stopping the kiss while still leaning against her body,my head now tucked in the corner of her neck as I breath heavily,my hands around her waist squeezing lightly trying to stop the urge of throwing all my moral out the window and fucking her right here with my erection still pressed against her sex feeling the heat between her legs ,I pulled away completely not wanting to go any further and doing something I will regret I lean against the car.

We breathe loudly as we still try to ketch our breath,my cock still hard from just that kiss,she was an amazing kisser.Her lips was soft and supple and even though we just finished making out I was already ready for the next make out sess. We took sometime to clear our minds and replay what just happened, God I wish she was mine so I didn't have to stop myself,Rachel was the first to talk  'well I must admit that was a hell of a kiss and something I will very much like to do again with you,maybe we can keep this as our little secret. I mean a little kiss here and there wouldn't hurt anybody right once we promise not to take it further'.I nodded in agreement, "Alright then, I promise.... I'll try!

Rachel Prov:

An hour later we pulled up at the kids school,we split up as I went to pick up Aaron at his building and Chase went for the girl's,when I came back the girls where already in their car seat as while he was finishing buckling Lucy carseat she was happily showing her dad the painting she had made,not to be out done Renae took her painting out of her bag and shoved it in Chase face, Aaron and I burst out laughing at the sight,Chase complimented both the girls on how beautiful the painting is while remaining unfazed by the situation.

Aaron hopped in between the girls and buckle his seat belt as Chase took all the kids bags and place them in the trunk when he was finished he offered to drive us home. I sat in the front seat and we buckle up and headed home. We discussed with the kids about their day and had a couple of laughs,my kids could be so silly sometimes.

I love them too death and was slowly thinking of Lucy as my own she had so many qualities like her Dad,thinking about it made me smile. I could feel Chase eyes glimpsing at me every few seconds which made me blush,oh gosh I felt like a school girl experiencing her first crush,I couldn't even wipe this stupid smile off my face all I could do is keep thinking about that kiss and how much I wanted to do it again.

Awhile later we arrived at home,we parked in the garage and I unbuckle the kids,Chase took out they school bags and gave each of them a shopping bag,directing them to put it on the living home table. As soon as the kids was out of sight Chase pulled me towards him grabbing me by the waist he planted a soft gentle kiss to my lips,slowly deepening it as if pouring all his emotions in the kiss.

He kissed me as though this will be last time kissing me,I felt a tear drop hit me cheek which made me pull away slowly from the kiss. I lifted Chase face as I wiped away the tears running down his face,I pulled him back into my arms as I held him tight against me,it hurt my heart knowing that I was the source of his pain.

"I'm  sorry you probably think I'm a little bitc...",I covered his mouth before he could complete that sentence. I will never ever think so lowly of you Chase,I know all that you have been through when it comes to love,all the pain and heart ache you have faced just for loving someone and I find you to be so resilient.

If it was me I would have given up a long time ago but you're so strong you keep moving forward and never give up on finding love and right now it hurts me to know that i'm the cause of you pain,and I hate myself for it because there's nothing that I can really do to be able to help but I promise I will find a way for us.....No! Not just us! all of us to be together.

I promise you that,I will love you till my dying breath,so please don't give up on us not now, I can see our future we were meant to be the three of us. Even though Aiden can't see it now, we can and I'm going to make it a reality,so stop your crying and feeling sorry for yourself and kiss me before the kids come looking for us. With that he lifted me in the air,spung me around and we pressed our lips together savoring the feel of the kiss,all worries and doubts behind us.

Another chapter completed didn't know I would've been posting two chapters up today but you guys deserve it for being so patient. So Chase and Rachel are deciding to continue with their sneaking around let's see where this leads to, bye loves 👋 👋

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