Chapter 10

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We all sat and ate breakfast silently,Aiden went to work and Rachel and I took her car to carry the kids off to school. We pulled into the school's parking lot and Rachel directed me in the direction of the principal office,not before telling me that we needed to talk after.

I found the principal office quite easily and knocked on the door. I heard a man responded to come in so I entered,I greeted him and introduced myself, we discussed the enrollment of Lucy at his school and all the requirements needed which I had already prepared due to the advise of Rachel.

He read the documents I presented him and said I was all set for Lucy to start school first thing today,he also gave me a list of all the equipment needed and Lucy school schedule. He called for his secretary to escort us to Lucy new teacher classroom and on the way there we saw Rachel standing in front of Lucy soon to be new classroom.

The secretary knocked on the door and introduced Lucy and I to her new teacher who's name was Ms.Quin. I guessed Lucy and Renae will be in the same class. After all the introductions was made,I gave Lucy a hug and kiss goodbye while she settle in her new class after exiting the classroom I made my way out the school building and met Rachel back in the car. We drove out silently heading straight to the mall where we had plan to talk and also shop for Lucy school items.

We decided that we should get things off our chest and get this over with quickly as possibly on what happened  last night. We went into a quaint little restaurant with a booth and order some drinks so we can clear our minds and not be too tense while we talk about the situation.

Rachel took a huge sip of her drink as she began,'can you please explain to me why you was ease dropping on me and my husband having sex'. I smiled at that statement,that was something I liked about Rachel,she was blunt and honest,I breathe a shaky breath this was the moment of truth I was going to lay everything on the table,I was going to be completely honest about my wants and needs.

"Rachel look,I'm not going to lie or make up some dumb excuse,the truth is I'm in love with Aiden. I have been in love with him for a very long time",I paused to see the expression on her face she look like she was internally sorting out her questions to ask.

I continued, "I've never told him how I felt because on several occasions I observed how he acts around other guys which makes it pretty clear that he's strictly into girls,"Rachel nodded to that.

'So have you ever try to come on to him or anything like that?'

"Once when we were younger I kissed him and he punched me in the mouth",Rachel gasped and covered her mouth.

"In his defense I did took him by surprise,he didn't even get a chance to think about what was happening ".

'So did you try anything again after that',I shook my head no,"I mean by his reaction it was clear to me that he definitely didn't enjoy our kiss,so I didn't want to do anything again that could possibly jeopardize my friendship with him".

'Well from my prospective last night you had me questioning if my husband was ever in a relationship with you. I see how he acts around you he's not like that with other guys or girls really just with you and me,so that had me replaying all the instances in my head when you guys are together how you behave around each other you guys are like so in sync and it so like almost intimate".

"I don't know how to explain it,its just that you guys are really close,closer than any friends should be....'.

"I mean I understand where your coming from we have know each other most of our lives,we've been through a lot together and we where always inseparable,there's not a thing I didn't know about Aiden growing up unless he didn't tell me which is impossible because he tells me everything.

I'm a little surprise,that you're so calm after the fact that I've told you I'm in love with your husband,doesn't that bother you?".

'Not really! I never was the jealous type and I'm very secure in my marriage,I know Aiden loves me and will never leave me no matter what'. She was right, she is his family he wouldn't let anything or anyone come between them,he will fight teeth and nail to keep them together even if they where falling apart when they said till death do us part he meant it,divorce was never an option for him.

"That's not all,I know Aiden may never love me the way I love him but  the crazy thing is. I've fallen in love with you too!" that had her speechless,her pupils enlarged at the mention of me being in love with her.

I continued,"I know I've only known you for a very short time but I know you enough to know that you, Aiden and I are meant to be".

"Be honest with yourself, the first time we meet,you can't tell me you didn't feel that spark we had when we saw each other for the first time. I know its sounds fucking corny but it's true from the moment I saw you I knew you where going to be very special to me,I don't want to hold back anymore,life is too short. Your here one day and gone the next,trust me I personally know from experience".

"I want you Rachel and I know you want me too. I don't know how its going to happen but I hope by some miracle we all can be together".

'Chase...I not denying the fact that I do like you a lot! But you can't overlook the fact that I'm married and to your best friend nevertheless so they is no way for this!.....',she pointed a finger to me and back to her,' is ever going to happen,no matter how bad you and I want it too its not'.

Rachel prov:

I paused for a moment as I taught about everything. I could remember the conversation that Aiden and I had a couple of year's ago as clear as day. Aiden and I make a promise to each other that if we ever did find ourselves falling in love with someone else,we will tell one another about it and we will give each other the opportunity to explore that relationship and see where it goes.

We could pursue the new relationship while still maintaining our relationship as the most important. Before telling Chase about the promise Aiden and I made,this was something I needed to discuss with Aiden maybe in the process I could even invigle Aiden to have a threesome with Chase and I.

Chase interrupted my train of taught, "I know that you're a married woman,I'm not trying to persuade you to have an affair with me or anything like that but I'm just letting you know how I feel. I'm perfectly fine with just being able to be in your presence,hold you,hug you,spend time with you or in whatever ways I can be close to you guys".

Chase was such a sweetheart,he deserved to be happy,he may not get to be with Aiden in the way he hopes but I was going to make it my mission,in getting them as sexually close as possible and in that way he will get his little taste of happy ever after which he truly deserves.

Sorry guys for not uploading last  week,and yesterday been busy these two past weekends. Today is a holiday in Trinidad 🇹🇹 Emancipation day,so I was able to complete and upload this chapter. Hope you enjoy this chapter. Bye 👋

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