How to take Critique

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So, I showed my writing to a friend today. I was so excited and happy that I guess I wasn't prepared for him to say "It's fair but I feel like you could've worded it better." Before I get messages like "It's not that bad." Let me explain. For one thing, I NEVER share my work with people. Never. And that, is probably why I thought my writing was amazing. Since I've never shared it I thought my writing was great because no one was there to tell me it wasn't. However, I feel like this was a much needed experience because it showed me how I can improve on my work. And to be honest, Critique sucks. I felt bad, a little embarrassed even, because I wanted to give him my best work only to be called "fair." However, he was right. I could do better and he even told me how. So, My first tip is to find someone who is willing to give back good advice and ask them to tell you how you can improve. Now, You don't always need to agree with what they say. I mean, it's you writing and you don't have to listen if you don't think that advice is the best. However, I think if people found more people who are willing to give advice and tell the write how to fix their writing without being harsh then writers would be considered lucky. My second tip is to fix the writing piece. You might scrap the thing and start over or you might tweak some things and try to make it better. But, whatever you do, keep trying! I know it sucks to be told "Your writing is good but..." I just want you to know you're doing the best you can! My third tip is to find multiple people who want to read and give advice on your writing. This way, you can get more points that maybe someone else didn't think to mention or maybe you'll get that more people like one thing about your writing but not the other. Either way it's nice to have people read and give advice on your writing. My last tip is to keep writing.  know for me when someone said my writing was fair I felt a little bummed out and even right now it's hard to write because I feel like it's not good enough but I won't. I will not stop because I love writing. And if you really love writing maybe you'll keep writing as well. I hope you do. 

(For people who don't wanna read this whole thing I made a short list of what things I'd covered!)

1. Find someone who is willing to give feedback and tell you what to fix while being nice

2. Fix the writing piece if  you feel it should be fixed in some way

3. Find more than one person who can give insight to your writing.

4. Keep writing even if you feel it's not good enough! (Please don't give up! I believe in you and your writing!)

Thanks for reading and have a nice day!


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