Joseph《How You Feel》

Começar do início


"Just... Do it." I said with a sigh.

"No, why should I?" He questioned. Caesar placed two fingers on the bridge of his nose, most likely contemplating his life decisions.

"Joseph." He began.

"Yes, Caesarino?"

"See that door over there?" He pointed to the same door again.

"...Yes?" He sounded very suspicious.

"Walk through it." Caesar demanded, and Joseph surprisingly obeyed.

"Fine! But you're buying me some squid-ink pasta later!" Joseph was actually pretty cute when he pouted. He also wasn't hard to persuade if food was involved.

He walked through the door, leaving us alone. Caesar waited for a second, making sure he had actually left before talking.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Excuse you?!" I exclaimed, causing him to sigh.

"Not like that. What's going on? You seem a bit lost in thought." He was a great friend, always picking up on those little details that seemed to go unnoticed by Joseph.

"...It's nothing."

"So it's about Joseph."

"HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT?!" I cleared my throat. "What, uh, makes you think that?"

"...You're as oblivious as he is, goddammit..."


"Just tell me what's on your mind, Y/N." I paused, thinking about how to ask it. Maybe he'd laugh at the question?

"Do you think... Joseph sees me as a sister?" I asked, looking down at the floor in embarrassment.

"W-What?!" He burst out laughing at the question. "You're so dumb, it's laughable!"

"Hey! You did ask what's wrong, right?"

"Yeah, yeah..." He wiped a tear of joy from his eye before catching his breath. "Now why on earth would you think that to begin with?"

"Everyone always teases me and calls him my babysitter, or even my brother. It's because he's so damn protective!" I noticed Caesar looking pretty done with me. "What?"

"It amazes me how you survive with that mind of yours. You know what I think? Go talk to him." He tightened his bandana as he spoke. He usually did that when he felt done with a conversation, a habit of his that I had actually picked up on.

"Why would I do that?! He'll figure out I like him!"

"He's too dumb for that."

"Bless your delusional mind."

"Y/N. Go, or else I'll tell Lisa Lisa to make you do the hell climb tower tomorrow."

"FINE!" I stormed past him, heading straight for Joseph's room. I heard Caesar chuckle from behind me while I made my way to the stairs. I was totally gonna talk to him, I'd just ask him. 'What do you see me as?'. No big deal, that's all. I got closer to the door leading to his room, and I felt a knot forming in my stomach.

The second I got to the door, all my courage sippered through a tiny hole on top of my head.

I held my breath and knocked. Joseph opened it almost immediately.

"CAESAR IF Y- Oh, it's you. Come in!" He held out an arm to invite me inside, and I entered. "Did you finish your very important conversation without me now?"

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚JJBA one-shots˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora