Samantha's anger

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Kusum, Abhijeet, Sumitra, Advira, and Ananya were appreciating Siya for her courage and support.
Sumitra said "Siya not only you have helped Rehan but other children also"
Siya smiled and said "auntie we should always fight against injustice as taught by my father"
Ananya asked, "what do your parents do ?"
She replied "my parents are the well-reputed lawyers in the US"
Advira said "that's why Siya you can't bear injustice and wrong things "
Sumitra came inside with the jalebis and said "hot jalebis are ready..." and everyone sat down to eat.

Samantha, Gordon, Betty, and Eric were worried about Siya when Stella suddenly came to see them.
Betty said, "Mrs. Shane we're extremely sorry..."
She said "fine... it's fine.... although you are a housemaid you love Siya more than her parents"
Gordon said "right Mrs. Shane. Has police found any clue about Siya ?"
She replied "not yet but they are trying their best"
Eric asked "what about Paul? Has he eaten anything"
Samantha said "poor child he is so much depressed as if Siya will never return"
Stella said "I know but he is trying his best. But I think your daughter has run away secretly"
Gordon became angry and shouted, "Mrs. Shane mind your language... "
She said "it can be true because your daughter often left home without telling and returned late at night"
On listening to this, all four became astonished. Betty asked in astonishment "so do you mean Siya has run away secretly out of the city"
Suddenly someone said "yes of course.." then everyone turned towards the door and saw Paul. He came inside and said, "mom is right and if you don't believe, I have the proof ". He told them everything and said, "now have you understood. If a girl is missing then why will she take her luggage along with her ".
He came closer to Gordon and said "dad  in hurry Siya has taken away my things and the whole  media  is talking about my wife missing"
Samantha said in anger "stupid news reporters " then Betty calmed her down and said, "Ma'am we will face the newspapers and paparazzi, but first find the track of Siya". Paul consoled them "auntie and mom don't worry leave everything to
me, I will find Siya and bring her back home"
Gordon hugged him and said, " Paul you're our last hope. You are like our real son". He said "dad it's fine"
Betty held him and said, "Paul you are the only hope, we are giving you the responsibility to bring back Siya". He nodded and said "ok". Samantha said to him at last "Paul it's your responsibility to bring back Siya and punish her. You are free to give any punishment to her as you like" with anger and sadness on her face. Gordon looked at her and said "Samantha please...." because he had a soft side for Siya more than her mother and many-a-times he had often saved Siya from her rage.
Samantha cried "Gordon I am her mom so will she hurt me so badly" then Betty and Eric calmed her down. Paul folded her hands and said "mom don't worry you leave it to me"

Kusum and Sumitra were cutting vegetables when Kusum said "bhabhi Siya is not our guest now but like our daughter" then suddenly Abhijeet entered the hall. Sumitra asked him "what happened Abhijeet ?"
He happily replied " Rajneesh and Lalita bhabhi are arriving tomorrow from Mumbai"
She replied, "that's great but..."
"But what ?"
"Actually if they will see Siya then ..."
Kusum said "Don't worry I will handle it"

Shikha saw Danny getting ready, then she asked him "Danny beta where are you going ?"
He stood up and replied "maa I am going to work"
She smiled and said "all the best" and he left quickly.

In the mid-morning, everyone was was busy with their work when suddenly there was a knock on the door.
Kusum went to see and opened the door; she said excitedly "oh Rajneesh and Lalita bhabhi Jai Shree Krishna"
Rajneesh greeted her "Jai Shree Krishna buaji and where are others"
Then she called out to everyone  "come in the hall everybody sees who has come...."
Sumitra smiled and said "Rajneesh beta and Lalita bhabhi Jai Shree Krishna and is she your wife" by pointing towards a woman standing near Rajneesh.
He replied "yes kaki " but she didn't like meeting them. She said to them "disgusting village people"
Kusum asked, "what's your name ?"
She replied without interest "Trisha"
Sumitra led them inside and everyone started laughing and talking. Suddenly when Siya entered the hall, Rajneesh saw her and asked "buaji who is this girl ?"
Kusum replied "she... she is Danny's college friend Siya "
Lalita  asked, "so what is she doing here ?"
Sumitra replied "Actually she has come from America here for  some  work "
Trisha started glaring at her and said to herself "now these people will make this home a hotel"
Lalita looked at her and asked, "Aashna bhabhi's daughter's name was also Siya n...."
Kusum said sadly "right moti bhabhi"

Sumitra called Siya "Siya beta come here..." and she obeyed her. She introduced her to Rajneesh and his family "meet him he is Rajneesh, Ananya, and  Advira's cousin. She is his mother and she is his wife, Trisha"
She smiled and greeted everyone. Rajneesh smiled at her and said "nice to meet you Siyaji"
After chatting Kusum took them to the guest room. In the room Lalita was scolding Rajneesh "Rajneesh beta I don't like the attitude of your wife and ask her to be within her limits "
He became irritated and said "oh man what's your problem. " then Kusum entered and said, "lunch is ready".
Trisha didn't like being here and especially Siya.  She said to herself "these villagers are so much hospitable that they allowed even a stranger to stay at their home. Wow! Amazing . Idiot village people" then Lalita called her out "Trisha come in the dining hall for lunch"

During lunch, Lalita asked, "where is that girl from America ?"
Kusum replied "bhabhi she has gone out for some work "
"And what about Advira and Ananya ?"
Sumitra replied, "they have also gone to work, they'll be back in the evening" and everyone began to eat.

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