Pravin's regret

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Pravin was watching Siya's photo and weeping. He picked up her favorite pillow and hugged it tightly and said "beta please forgive me " and he fell on the bed. 
He started thinking about her when he chased her and picked her up in her arms when she didn't want to drink milk.
Whenever she didn't want to go to school then he convinced her that he will bring ice cream and chocolates for her, if she will behave like a good child.
On Holi, she had secretly applied color to his face and he made her wet as revenge.
"Now these days will never come back " he then started looking at her belongings and kept them safely in the cupboard. All things remained as usual as part of her memories as if Siya was still with him. 

Samantha and Betty came inside the room, where Siya was looking out the window and waiting for her father.
Samantha said "Siya we're going to the zoo so get ready quickly. "
"I don't want to go anywhere" she replied without looking at them.
Betty said "Siya you'll enjoy it, please come" but she turned away her face from her.
"Ma'am she is not ready to go anywhere," Betty said annoyingly
"I know that Betty but please don't be annoyed, she is still in the thought of her lost parents" Samantha convinced her. "Ok," Betty said "we must try again"
"Alright" Samantha sighed and both went away and returned with new dresses and a pair of shoes and said, "Siya look at this, how is it ?"
"Nice" she replied without looking at it. "Ok so now get ready like a good child," Betty said and then Siya went away to get ready.
"I hope that she will love it," Samantha said
"Yeah let's see" Betty replied
Then after sotimemee Siya came in her new clothes and Samantha said "you're looking like a mom's doll" Betty said "now let's go we're getting late" then they left for the zoo.

Abhijeet said to Pravin "I know that you're regretting abandoning Siya"
"Yes you're right Abhijeet" Pravin replied sadly
"It's your mistake, why did you listen to your dumb wife "
"Because she said that if I wanted to see her alive, then I should abandon Siya"
Then Shikha came "oh Abhijeetji, when did you come?"
"I came just a few minutes before only" he replied
"Do you want tea, coffee, or cold drinks "
"No, no thanks, bhabhi. I'm just leaving now.  Namaste" then he left.

"Siya are you enjoying the trip," Betty asked her
"Yeah it's beautiful" Siya replied happily
"Do you want to have an ice cream Siya?" Samantha asked her
"Yes" she replied
"Ok come with us, then we will go shopping," Betty said and they went away.
At home, Samantha asked Siya "did you like today's outing "
"Yes very much. I want to go again" she replied excitedly
"Ok now go and have a rest tomorrow we will go to the beach," Betty said, and then she made her sleep.
Samantha said "Betty I think we must send Siya to school"
"Yeah you're right" she agreed to her
"Because in school academics and interacting with children will make her forget everything"
"Yeah we must talk to sir about this"
"Ok I will see"

Gordon was  back  home as he had got 2 new cases and he was busy making their papers, then Samantha entered the room and said "how was your day today darling ?"
"Nice dear and did Siya enjoy with both of you?" he asked her
"Yeah but how do you know"
"Eric had told me this"
"Oh but I want to tell you something"
"What ? say" he got up after completing his work and she replied "I am thinking to send Siya to school"
"That's a great idea but please have patience.  Let her become close to us and then we can do it" he said
"I think you're right Gordon" she agreed to him and they went to sleep.

"Pravin holi is coming, so let's go shopping," Shikha said
"Ok we will go tomorrow" he replied as he was not in the mood to go
"Ok, you sit here and read books all day. Since after our marriage what have you done for me" she said angrily
"Shut up Shikha and don't make me offended" he replied angrily and went away.
So Shikha went alone with her friends and enjoyed herself. She then came back home and found him sleeping and said to herself "this man is useless" and she went  away to her room

"Thanksgiving day is approaching," Betty said while serving the dinner
"Yeah, I know that " Gordon replied.
"We will celebrate it more joyfully to make Siya feel happy," Samantha said to everyone. 
Everyone agreed and preparations began for the festive season in both families.

On Hol, Pravin was not happy because he was feeling lonely without Siya. He was recalling their holiday memories. 
Shikha said "Pravin I've made jalebis and dal ki kachauris today"
He looked at it with emotion as it was Siya's favorite food. She loved it very much and always demanded it on every special occasion.

"Siya see I have made veg sandwiches and chocolate cake for you," Betty said while bringing plates to Siya
"Chocolate cake is my favorite, how do you know that auntie?" she asked happily
"I know everything" she laughed
"You know everything"
"Yes now have your food quick" Betty made her sit down and fed her.
Samantha said while watching Gordon  that" Gordon I think that Siya is now getting familiar with us"
"Yeah, I see that Samantha" he replied happily to see Siya and Betty enjoying themselves together.
Samantha held his hands and said "Gordon I don't regret being a childless couple"
"Yes because God has sent Siya into our lives as a light in the darkness," he said while hugging her.
"Happy Thanksgiving day Samantha"
"Same to you Gordon"
"Now let's go and also enjoy with Siya" and then they went inside the hall and enjoyed the whole day.

Pravin was thinking that Siya might where and in which condition.  He prayed for her well-being

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