Shikha's jealousy and greed

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After coming back home ,Shikha wanted to erase away all the memories of Siya and her mother Aashna. As she hated Siya more than anyone in the world as she was her rival and she swore to herself "If the day Siya will come in front of me ,I will make her forget even her name"
Danny came to her and asked "maa please help me in my homework"
"You go.I will come later" she replied and sent him away then she picked up Siya and Aashna's photos and albums and threw it in the garbage dump.
Danny asked "maa why are you throwing these photos in the garbage?"
She looked at him and said "when you will grow up then you will understand beta" and they both came inside.

After sometime Pravin was back home then he saw something missing. He called out Abhisht and asked "beta where are the old photos which were kept in the cupboard?"
Abhisht replied "Actually mamaji ; mami has thrown away these in the garbage dump"
"What ........" he quickly went out of the home and started searching for the pictures in the dump.
After 2 hours he was back inside the home with the photos and locked it in the cupboard in Siya's room. He totally locked her room and said "now nobody will enter this room without my permission" and he kept the keys with him.

Shikha said to herself by laughing "Aashna you don't know that how much I had struggled to get Pravin" then she took her old magalsutra and said "like I erased you from Pravin's life ,I did same with your daughter also. So please forgive me" she laughed aloud and broke it into pieces. Mangulsutra beads were scattered all over the floor and she went away.

"Siya from next month after your tests , you will be able to attend the school" Samantha said to Siya during the lunch
"Really.....?" Siya asked
"Yes my little fairy" Gordon laughed and patted her head
"Oh wow" Siya screamed with excitement "It was so beautiful place. I want to go there."
Eric said "Yes little girl you will go there but first finish your lunch" and everyone started having lunch.

"Dad" Siya ran to Gordon and said "Dad I want that big coloring book"
"Which one ?" He asked while keeping his clients documents inside his suitcase as he was business and property lawyer whereas Samantha was divorce lawyer.
"That one which I had seen in the departmental store..." she started recalling "cartoon one"
"Ok I will my little princess. Now I am going" then he called out Samantha and she came.
She said to Siya "have your food on time and don't disturb Eric uncle and Betty auntie"
"Ok" she replied and they left for work.

Siya went inside her room and started doing art work but suddenly old memories of India started coming to her mind. Then she left her art work and called out Betty "Betty auntie where are you ?"
She came to her room and asked "what's the matter child ?"
"I want to go to the park " she replied
"Ok come let's go" and both went to the park.

In the morning Sumitra came to the temple for darshan and after the aarti when she was leaving for home, then she saw Shikha. She hated Shikha very much; suddenly Shikha called her "Sumitra how are you ?"
She replied by trying to control her anger "I am fine Shikha. How did you came here ?"
"Actually I have came only for a small walk" she replied by laughing .
But Sumitra wanted to get rid of her ,so she said "I am leaving now. I have much work to do".

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