Paul's reaction

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New York:

Paul was back home and to start preparing for his abroad trip. He entered his room and opened his cupboard but he was shocked because somethings were missing.
He thought "what has happened to this cupboard ? Is something missing ?"
He searched again and saw that his pen set was not there because by mistake Siya had taken away his pen set instead of hers. He also saw that some of the clothes of Siya were also missing and Paul quickly called out Emma and Hank.
They both came inside "yes sir.."
He looked at them and asked "where is Siya ?"
Emma replied "Siya ma'am has left for her trip"
Paul became astonished and asked "which trip ?"
Hank replied "for her new blogs"
He said "ok , you both can go now" and they both went away.
Although Siya was cunning and smart but she forgot that Paul was also smarter otherwise his business wouldn't have grown without tackling his competitors. In the business world ; Paul was known for his smartness and cleverness like his father.
He quickly understood that Siya has ran away secretly out of the city. Paul said in anger "Siya wherever you are I will find you out. Just return back to New York then I will teach you a lesson"

Paul  rang up to  NYPD and told  the officer of Siya missing from his home. He twisted the story and said "she has been missing since last evening.." so that police could think that Siya has either got  lost or been kidnapped.
Sheriff asked "so Mr Shane what do you think  to whom she had gone to meet ?"
Paul thought and said "I think to her parents but she hasn't been back yet". He had to play this game to find out Siya and he decided to bring her home at any cost.

After this cops went to Samantha's home where the whole family was having breakfast and talking about other clients .
After there was knock ;  Betty went to open the door then she saw the cops standing at their door which made her shocked. 
Gordon and Samantha were also shocked to see the cops at their house.
Samantha came to them and asked "officer what happened?"
Sheriff replied "your daughter Siya is missing, Mrs Wilson"
Eric and Gordon were shocked and looked at each other.


Siya was in the balcony and thinking "what would be happening in US ?"
Then Danny came to meet her as Advira and Ananya had gone out for work. She became happy on seeing him and said "Danny what happened you're here"
He glared at her and said "Siya speak in hindi... speak in hindi..."
She laughed and said "ok I will speak in hindi" and she spoke in hindi to Danny.
Siya asked " have you came here to meet Advira ?"
He laughed and said "I had met her but I have came to give you something"
She asked with curiosity "what"
Danny handed her some shopping bags which contained some western clothes,  sanitary pads and other toiletries. He even had brought pizza and fish fries for her.
Siya said "Danny..... what was the need for it "
But suddenly his phone rang and it was Shikha's call , he answered "yes maa"
She asked annoyingly "where are you? Why you haven't gone to fetch your masi ?"
He lied "sorry maa actually I  had got struck in the traffic " and he cut the phone.
Danny said in hurry "Siya I must leave , if you want something message me"

New York:

Gordon asked "Siya is missing.....what do you mean by this officer ?"
Paul said "yeah Dad...."
Eric said "she has gone on her trip..."
One of the cop replied "no sir you're wrong. We had checked everywhere, we even contacted the police from cities and states but we haven't got any clue"
Sheriff asked Gordon "Mr Wilson do you think has  your daughter gone abroad ?"
Betty said "no officer because Siya cannot go  abroad alone or without our permission"
Gordon said "Siya had told me that she is going to New Jersey but she is not there also?"
Sheriff said "we must leave now Mr Wilson and Mr Shane" and the cops left.
Samantha holded Paul and said "Don't worry Siya will be found" but he left home without a word.
Eric said "Paul is also upset for Siya. Since dawn he is looking  for her , how much he loves our Siya"
Betty said sadly "right Paul is so much concerned about our child. How much caring husband is he"
Gordon said "pray to Jesus that Siya should be back soon"
Samantha said "Amen"

Siya came in the kitchen, took the vegetables kept on the kitchen counter and washed it. When she was cutting vegetables then Kusum was watching her carefully ; she said to herself "whenever I look at Siya why I see Aashna's  heart n soul in her" . Sumitra stopped Siya and said "beta what are doing ? You are our guest so please don't do"
Siya convinced her "auntie its fine , everything has been done" and went outside the home.
Sumitra saw Kusum looking at Siya carefully ; she came to her and asked "motiben why were you looking at Siya like this ?"
She replied "Bhabhi do you think that Siya resembles like Aashna"
Sumitra thought and replied "yes motiben little bit she resembles like Aashna bhabhi"
Kusum said "why I feel that Siya is someone with whom we have our lost connection"
Sumitra said "right sometimes even I also feel that we have something between us"

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