Setting careers

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After getting their school results both children got busy in setting up their careers. Danny went away to USA for higher education and Siya stayed back in her own country and opted literature and business course along with  fine arts and linguistics side- by - side. She  was expert in 8 languages : English, French, Spanish, German, Hindi, Greek, Russian, Dutch and Turkish. 
Her dream was to become an editor and writer and travel around the world for her new articles and sketches. 

New York:
Siya said "auntie I am going to the University" then Betty said "Siya have your breakfast first".
She said "no auntie I am getting late" and she left .

Danny called up his mother "namaste maa"
"Namaste Danny beta .  How are you doing in America?"
"I am fine maa. I have rented an apartment here"
"Ok beta I am going out with your father. Bye beta" and she cut the phone.

Siya came inside her class, then she saw her elementary school friend Lizzy ; she went to her and patted her back "hey Liz" then she looked up surprisingly and said "Siya you ?"
"Yeah and you're also here ?"
"Yes and I am glad that we have met after a long time" then Siya sat with her and said "yeah you're right. Now we will always be together". Then their Professor Murat came and everyone stood up "Good morning Professor". Then he made everyone sit down and said "good morning class. I hope that everyone is new here" , "yes sir" one of the students replied. Then he  continued "take out your books and today we are going to start...." and he started teaching.

After the classes ended; Lisa and Siya went together to have coffee in the college canteen. Along with coffee Siya ordered Donuts and sandwiches whereas Lizzy ordered chicken hamburger and cupcakes for herself.
Siya said while eating "Lizzy today's class was fine" then Lizzy took one bite of the burger and said "yes you're right Siya" . They started  looking at the boys sitting beside them on the next table and Lizzy said "I wish that I could get a boyfriend"
"Shut up Liz, first of all try to know everyone properly then think about it" then they left for their home.

After Siya was back home, Betty  said "Siya how was your day"
"Nice" she replied while taking off her shoes. Eric said "ok go and get fresh and come down for dinner"


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