Final trial

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Danny came back to Singapore.  After coming back home when he rang the bell then Shikha opened the door.  She was surprised to look at him and said "Danny beta you have come back". "Namaste maa how are you?"
"I am fine beta, I was missing you beta. Come inside " and she led him into the living room. They started talking  and then Abhijeet came "oh Danny beta when did you:come?"
He stood up and wished him "Namaste Uncle how are you?"
"I am fine beta and you tell me about yourself"
"I, your auntie,  Advira, and Ananya everyone was talking about you today. Come in the evening at our home for dinner"
The Pravin came and said, "Danny beta how are you?"
He bent and touched his feet and greeted him "Namaste papa, I am fine, and  what about you ?"
"I am fine beta come inside,  your maa has made your favorite food." and everyone went inside for lunch.

Siya, Lizzy, and Andy were having dinner at the restaurant. Siya said "I have now got a job as an editor"
"Wow that's great " Lizzy exclaimed then she turned to Andy and asked, "Andy what is your motto?"
"I want to become a basketball player and coach"
Siya said "that's great"

At home, Danny called up that same girl and said "hi dear how are you?"
"I am fine Danny. Just missing you badly"
"Please come to Singapore to meet me"
"Surely I will try. Bye"
"Bye and take care" and he cut the phone. Pravin entered his room and said "Danny I want to talk to you about something"
"What papa?"
"I want that now you should now take charge of our family business as you are the heir of this property"

In the evening during tea time; Pravin said to Abhijeet on phone "Abhijeet now I have given the whole property to Danny"
"That's nice" while they were talking Shikha was listening from behind, and she became elated.

Menka asked Shikha "you're so happy today"
"Yes, why not. For this day I had waited so long" she replied
"Yeah because there are many struggles and secrets behind this happiness"
"Yeah because Shikha can destroy anyone who dares to challenge her" she laughed aloud.

New York:

The trial went on for many days finally Gordon won the case and all the false allegations put against Stella were discharged by the court.  After the trial, she thanked  him and said "thank you very much, Mr. Wilson"
"No it was my duty Mrs. Shane" he replied
"Because of you today my family,  business, and reputation got saved, Mr. Wilson"
"Mrs. Shane you are a very good-natured woman. Your late husband was also a very nice person,  your enemies have got imprisoned by the court and now you can live freely"
"Mr. Wilson you are that person who always supports the truth and wisdom. Your wife and daughter are also very humble like you"
"Thanks, Mrs. Shane. I should leave now" and at last Stella said "Please come tomorrow to my home for coffee,  we will talk further"
"As you say Mrs. Shane" and both parted from each other.

After reaching home, Samantha and Siya ran to him. "Congratulations dad" Siya hugged him and Samantha said "Gordon today you have saved  an innocent-hearted woman from the false allegations" he smiled and said
"It was my duty ladies. Can we go out for dinner?". 
Both  responded  "ok as your wish"

Stella went to the church and said "thanks mother Mary for sending an angel to me".
After praying, she came out and thought about Gordon's promise made to her "Mrs. Shane I promise that for further help in the future whatever you want, I will give it to you". She said, "I have thought that what I want from him but I don't know whether he will agree or not".

Siya came to Gordon's room with a newspaper and said "I am proud to be the daughter of the wittiest, humble, and honest lawyer in the US"
Gordon became confused and asked, "what do you mean Siya ?"
She smirked and replied "read it dad" then she handed it to him.
He read and said laughing "Siya I don't care about it because it was my responsibility to help an innocent woman" then suddenly his phone rang. It was Stella's call and he picked it up to answer "Hello Mrs. Shane. What happened ?"
She laughed and said "thank you once again Mr. Wilson"
He also laughed and said "oh Mrs. Shane how many times will you thank me "
"More than infinite times.  I had rung you for having coffee at my home"
On listening to this Gordon thought not to break the poor woman's heart,  so agreed to her invitation.
He asked Siya "has your mom left ?"
She replied, "yeah dad, so ?"
He stood up to get ready "I am going to visit Mrs. Shane " and after getting ready, he left.

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