18. Officially, The big 6

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Jack speaking

Y/N speaking


Pitch had run into something making him fall back onto all fours. It was north.
"Leaving the party so soon?" North asked smugly.

"You didn't even say goodbye" Tooth replied fakely. Twirling a quarter between her fingers, she tossed it to pitch.

He examined it before looking back up to tooth. "A quarter?"

Y/N and Tooth both punched him hard in the face, causing two teeth to be knocked out.

"That's for her fairies" Y/N crossed her arms as she glared down at pitch.

"And for Taking her wings" tooth smirked. The two smirked proudly at one other As a group of mini fairies flew in front to glare at pitch.

"You can't get rid of me! Not forever. There will always be gear" Pitch stated, getting up from the ground.

"So what?" North waved him off. "As long as one child believes, we will be here to fight fear"

"Really" Pitch nodded smugly. "Then what are they doing here" he gestured to the side of him to the last remaining nightmare horses.

"They can't be ours" Y/N spoke, turning around to see them all surrounding. "We're not afraid"

Y/N and Jack smirked at each other, Y/N rested her arm in Jack shoulder as they then looked back to pitch.
"Looks like it's your fear they smell" Jack grinned triumphantly.

Pitch gasped in fear as his own nightmare horses began to corner him.

He ran off, yelling as the horses charged after him, they dragged him away, pulling him into the same hole in the ground despite his yells and cries.

Tooth excitedly flew up the the two and hugged them excitedly.
Jack and Y/N hugged her back as they smiled.

"Are you two ready now? To make it official" North asked with a prideful smile.
Even bunny was now excited for the two to become guardians.

Y/N and Jack grasped each other's hand before looking back at North as giving a small nod.

The kids had found there way to them and eagerly watched.

A yeti walked over to North and handed him the book of oath.

"It is time you take oath" North spoke as he opened up the book to the right page.
"Will you, Jack Frost and Y/N, Cupid, Vow to watch over the children of the world, to guard them with your life their hopes, their wishes and their dreams for they are all that we have, all that we are and all that we will ever be"

Y/N and Jack looked back over to Jamie, as if asking if they should say yes.
Jamie nodded eagerly and proudly.

"I will"

The two said at the same time, giggling at the clash.

"Then, congratulation Jack Frost and cupid for you are now and forever more.. a guardian!"
Everyone burst out in cheers as North now approached the two and squished them while giving each a kiss on the cheek.

"That's my boy!" Bunny cheered.

"Yeah alright!" Whooped Tooth.

Jack held Y/N by the waist as Y/N had her arm wrapped around Jacks shoulder.

Norths sleigh began to fly down towards them, catching the attention from everyone.
Jamie held Sophie's hand as the smirk landed and pointed up at it.

"Everyone loves the sleigh" Bunny admitted, turning to look up at North.

"Time to go" North placed a hand in each on Jack and Y/N shoulders.

As a goodbye, Sandy made some golden sand fly up into the sky and erupt into fire works. The children awed hi at it as they then tried to catch the golden dust that fell from it.

"Happy Easter you little ankle biter, I'm gonna miss ya" bunny said to Sophie as she pet him on the nose.

"Bye bye bunny"

"You guys are leaving?" Jamie asked, walking up to the two who crouched down to reach his level.
"But what if pitch comes back? What if we stop believing again. If I can't see you then-"

"Hey!" Y/N laughed as she placed a hand in Jamie's shoulder.
"Slow down!"

"Are you telling me you stop believing in the moon when the sun comes up?" Jack asked.


"Okay well, do you stop believing in the sun when clouds block it out" jack pointed towards the sky as Jamie laughed.


"We'll always be there Jamie" Y/N assured. "And now, we'll always be here" She continued, poking Jamie's chest towards his heart.
"Which now, kinda makes you a guardian to"

Y/N and Jack smiled at Jamie before getting up to board the sleigh.
"Guys wait!"

The two turned around only to see Jamie run to them and give them a hug.
Y/N immediately bent down to return the hug. However it took Jack as few seconds to adjust to actually being felt rather than ran through. After the shock, he as well bent down to return Jamie's hug.

Then they quickly stood to the side of the sleigh and watched as the kids ran after them once the sleigh took off.


"My name is Jack Frost"

The two walked down the sleigh as they smile at each guardian.

"And I'm Cupid"

Y/N walked in front and nudged Jack from behind to follow.

"we're guardians, how do we know that?"

"Because the moon told us so!"

They both stand at the end of the sleigh and look out.

"So when the moon tells you something.."

Jack conjured a snowflake and blew it out from his hand.

"Believe it"


Ending gives me chills. I love him.

Why does it hurt so much ending stories??? I really really hate it :(

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed. I still have more Jack Frost stories planned (3) and who knows, maybe more will come in the future.

I'm gonna edit this one day, cause I feel I can make it more interesting.

Now I need to figure out how to "complete" this again, I always forget 👍

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