13. Cold, fear and Hate

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Y/N fell out of the portal and landed harshly on top of an iceberg.
But she got up and quickly ran down the iceberg,
She heard faint fighting and quickly ran towards the noise, it grew larger with every sprint she took.


Jack ran to the edge of an iceberg, outstretching his hands ready to throw his box of memories away.

But he hesitated. He couldn't do it it.

He sighed angrily at himself and looked back at him box.
His picture looked different that he did, the picture of him in the box had brown hair with brown eyes.

"I thought this might happen"

Jack gasped upon hearing Pitch's voice. His expression grew angrier the more Pitch spoke.

"They never really believe in you. I was just trying to show you that, but I understand"
He spoke softly.

Jack shit another blast of ice towards pitch, he dished it with his black sand.
"You don't understand anything!" Jack yelled as he tan after him, blasting pitch with another bolt of ice.

"I don't know what it's like to be cast out?!" Pitch yelled back, aiming black sand towards jack.
Jack blasted more ice towards him, pitch again, protecting himself with his sand.

"To not be believed in!"
The fighting had calmed down, Jack walked through the mist they had created to try and find pitch.
"To long for a.. family"
Pitch was behind him, Jack turned to face him, raising his staff.

Jack slowly lowered his staff, seeming to relate to pitch.

"All those years in the shadows I thought no one else knows what this feels like"
Pitch looked to the ground sadly.
"But now I see I was wrong" he looked up to Jack, gesturing towards him.

Jack fully lowered his staff, standing normally now as he looked at pitch.

"You don't have to be alone Jack! I believe in you" Pitch spoke, holding his hand to his chest as he circled Jack.
"I know children will to!"

"In me?" Jack whispered, as if considering it.

"Yes!" Pitch laughed, wrapping an arm around Jack and gesturing towards the spiky, ice sculpture they had made when fighting.
"Look at what we can do! What goes better together than cold and dark! And if we can get Y/N in on it.. hate" pitch smiled menacingly.
"Then you two won't ever be apart"

Pitch then ran around the sculpture happily.
"We can make them believe! give them a world where everything, everything is-"

"Pitch black?" Jack interrupted, gesturing his staff towards pitch.

"Anti cupid and Jack frost to, they'll believe in the three of us" Pitch continued to try an convince.
"I've already started the process on Y/N!" Pitch smiled again, walking up to Jack and placing another hand on his shoulder.
"If you accept, I'll give her her wings back, you'll be seen as her hero and-"

"No" Jack interrupted. "They'll fear us, and that's not what I, nor Y/N wants. Y/N wouldn't want her wings if it meant that in return" Jack said angrily, pushing off pitches hand and walking off.
"Now for the last time, leave me alone"

Pitch looked hurt by Jacks rejection before he scowled.
"Very we'll, you want to be left alone? Done! But first.."

Jack turned around, hearing the muffled squeaks of baby tooth, trapped in pitch's hand.

"Baby tooth!" Jack said worriedly, reaching out for the fairy as he flew towards pitch.

Y/N was making her way up the iceberg from behind.
She panted slightly as she made it to the top, sighing in relief once she saw Jack.
However he didn't notice her as he was to focused on baby tooth. Y/N raised her eyebrow at his stressed demeanour.

Forgotten love (Jack Frost x reader) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang