7. Sleepy time sand

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"So is there a prize for the winning team? Cause me and North have definitely-"
Y/N stopped speaking once she stepped into Jamie's room, seeing tooth's hand on jacks shoulder and how quickly they turned towards her upon hearing her arrival. She paused. Her throat tightening.
"Sorry, I'll leave you two alone-"

"No!" Jack quickly shouted, taking Tooth's hand off his shoulder and flying over beside Y/N, despite tooth's faint look of hurt.
He pulled Y/N closer towards him by her waist while his other hand was held up in front of him, gesturing away from himself and tooth.
"Nothing was going on"

"Sure.." Y/N dragged on, nodding her head in understanding. Jack gripped her waist a little tighter. It was a little awkward.
The two then quickly stepped away from the window as north tried to make his way through with Sandy
Following, and of course North didn't look out for his surroundings so he didn't care that he almost trampled the two.
Jack had pulled Y/N away quickly anyway.

Tooth shushed him as she pointed to the sleeping Jamie on his head.
North winded his eyes before whispering.
"What gives slow pokes? How you feeling toothy?"

"Believed in!"

North laughed happily as tooth giggled.
"That's really good to hear"

"Oh I see how it is, working together to make sure the rabbit gets last place" bunny scowled, joining them all by hopping out of a rabbit hole.

However she was shushed by everyone as he spoke, making him raise his hands in surrender.

"Think you don't need help to beat us? Check it out Peter cotton tail" Jack teased, holding up the heavy bag of teeth he and Sandy had collected.

"You think that's impressive?" Bunny scoffed upon looking at it.
"This bag of choppers was done with only one pair of hands!"
Bunny lifted his own bag, it being the same size as jacks and Sandy's one.

"Gentleman, gentleman" Y/N walked between the two cockily. She placed a hand on each of their chests and pushed them away, looking into their eyes individually.
"This is about tooth! It's not a competition"
She said innocently.
Jack glared at her as she smirked knowingly, leaving her hand on his chest for a few seconds longer.

"But if it was" North spoke up, Now walking beside Y/N.
He slammed the gigantic bag of teeth onto the floor.
"We win!" He yelled cheerfully.

"YEEEHAAAAA!" The two yelled, and high-fived,  north got really into it and jumped on the spot, tapping he's feet repeatedly onto the ground.

But they immediately stopped yelling once they felt a flashlight. The guardians turned to Jamie with shock.
"Oh no" north muttered.

"Santa clause?" He said in awed, now moving the torch around the room and pointing it at bunny. "The Easter bunny?- sandman?"
Bunny cringed and awkwardly laughed at the light as Sandy gave a small waved.
"The tooth fairy! I knew you'd come!"

"Surprise! We came!" Tooth said excitedly but with hesitance.

"He can see us?" Jack asked hopefully, stepping closer towards him.

"Most of us" bunny said to Jack, seeming a little sad for him.
Jamie now turned the torch to where bunny was looking, only for him to see no one there.
However that's where Jack and cupid were standing.

"Oops forgot, that means I had no part in waking him" Y/N laughed in sorrow. Not being seen didn't effect her to much, but it would be nice to be credited for the love she spread just by existing.

Jack frowned, looking to the floor.
Y/N reached for his hand and squeezed it,

"You guys! He's still awake" Tooth focused them back on the situation.

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