1. Two new chosen guardians

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My fellow guardians

North speaks, the northern lights signalling the guardians to make it to the North Pole.

It is our job to protect the children of the world to bring wonder, hope and dreams so I've called us her for one reason, and one reason only

Golden sand forms above a young girl sleeping and creates a dream of the sweet girl playing soccer above, she smiles and snuggles more into her blankets.

The children are in danger

Sand man appears and forms a little plane to make it to north's workshop.

An enemy we have kept at bay for centuries
Has finally decided to strike back

A huge rabbit runs through his rabbit hole making it to the North Pole.

We alone can stop him

"Oh it's freezing" Bunny whined as he existed his rabbit hole into the cold.
"Ahh I can't feel my feet, I can't feel my feet!" he continues as he runs towards the workshop.


"Cookies? Eggnog anyone?" North offered his guest as they waited for what he had called this meeting for.

"This better be good north" Bunny scolded hopping towards him, Sandy had finally arrived at the workshop on a small jet he had created with his dream sand.

"Sandy! Thank you for coming" North greeted, Sandy to was not happy with north as well, Showing how busy he was with dreams he still had to give with pictures he created over his head.

"I know I know, but I wouldn't of called you all here unless it was serious!"

Tooth, who had been barking instructions towards her fairies now shushed them as she tried to listen into Norths conversation.

Bunny had spotted the fireplace and hopped towards it eagerly, warming up his feet.

"The boogie man was here! At the pole!" North finally announced, the guardians gasped as they turned to look at him.

"Pitch?" Tooth questioned rhetorically.
"Pitch Black, here?"

"Yes" North confirmed. "There was black sand covering the globe"
He swayed his hands dramatically, referencing what he was saying.

"Wha- what do ye mean black sand?" Bunny asked, coming back from the fireplace and now starting to paint an egg.

North glanced at bunny before continuing his performance.
"And then a shadow..!"

"Hold on hold on hold, I thought you said you saw pitch?" Bunny accused.

"Well Uhh, not exactly" North rubbed the back of his head, mildly embarrassed.

"Not exactly? Can you believe this guy?!" Bunny turned to Sandy with a scoffed smile.

Sandy shrugged, showcasing a question mark above his head.

"Yeah, you said it Sandy"

"Look. He's up to something very bad. I feel it. In my belly"
North grabbed his stomach and jiggled it as he spoke, tooth's monk fairies following his hands to look at his stomach.

Bunny raised his eyebrow.
"Hang on hang on, you mean to say you summon me here three days before Easter because of your belly?! Mate if I did this to you three days before Christmas!-"

"Bunny-" North patted his cheek, "-Easter is not Christmas" he shrugged, taking the egg out from Bunny's hand and tossing it in the air.

"Here we go" bunny rolled his eyes, "North I don't have time for this! I still have two million eggs to finish up!"

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