026. killer costumes

Start from the beginning

"Careful." Sam quietly says as Dean walks closer to the cell.

"Yeah. So what happened, pal? Hmm? What, you dropped too much molly? Super glue your mask to your head, get paranoid, stab a guy? Hoo, I've been there."

"Let me guess, Rog. You were framed!" Sam says in a voice and smiles. Dean and Larissa look at him. "What?" Larissa gently pats him on the cheek with a gentle smile.

"You're adorable." She quietly says.

"Dean!" Sam shouts, seeing the bunny guy at the cell. The guy grabs Dean and they try to get Dean away from him. 

"I got it. I-I got it." Dean says.

The bunny guy gets Dean in a chokehold and Sam splashes him with holy water.

"It's not a demon." Sam says.

"He is strong. All right." Dean says. Sam grabs the guy's arm and Dean gets himself out of his grip.

""Kylie Forever."" Sam reads the tattoo. "That'll work."


"Better be here. Last Kylie on the list." Dean says.

"Excuse me. Kylie Jennings?" Sam asks.

"Yes?" She asks.

"You know this rabbit?" Dean holds up a picture.

"You found him." Kylie says.

"Who is he?" Sam asks.

"Mike Hooks. He's my boyfriend." Kylie says.

"Okay, well, you have any idea why your boyfriend would stab somebody?" Dean asks.

"Wait. What?" Kylie asks.

"How would Mike know Stan Hinkle?" Dean asks.

"Who?" Kylie asks.

"The victim." Sam says.

"Okay, hold on. This... this makes no sense. Why would Mike stab a complete stranger? I mean.... oh, God."

"What?" Dean asks.

"I don't know. I thought it was nothing, but he was acting really weird yesterday." Kylie says.

"Weird how?" Sam asks.

"Well, after class, we went to this thrift shop. We needed to buy costumes for a party off campus. And Mike found this super creepy bunny mask. I mean, it-it grossed me out which he just loved. But as soon as he put it on..."

"That's when the weird started?" Dean asks.

"Yeah. He just... stared at me. At first, I thought that he was just messing around, but then he walked out without paying. He left his cell at the register, so I had no way of reaching him, and... look, Mike's, like, the sweetest, okay? But I'm telling you, as soon as he put that mask on, it's like he was a completely different person."


The three Winchesters and Donna are standing in a wooded area by the bunny head. Sam pours gas on it while Larissa covers it in salt.

"You okay?" Dean asks Donna.

"No, not really. A 19 year old kid is dead." Donna says.

"That's not on you or Doug. He was just doing his job." Sam says.

"I know, but... that kid was innocent. I mean, if the mask was cursed, then he was just a puppet, right? He was a victim, too." Donna says. Sam hands Donna the matches.

"No one else dies. Not like this." Sam says. Donna drops the lit match onto the bunny head, the four watching it engulf in flames.


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