I gave me a knowing look. "They were waiting for you and didn't know you were already home." He explain.

"What do you want?" I asked a lot more bitchy then I attended it too be. My social worker had been trying to get us in foster care for months but we both knew that if they do that they will split us up and I may never see John b again.

"We need to talk. can we go some where more private?" she asks. I looked down and become painfully aware that I was still naked under the towel.  "i think we're past private. Just say it"

"we're here to take you Andrea. it's time." hearing someone call me by my full name, I knew it had to be serous.

I scoff. "yea because that's gonna happen" I say sarcastically.

she looks at me seriously. "Listen. I'm sorry but I have no other choice. You have no parents or guardian—"

"I have my brother" i cut her off. she gave me a sympathetic look. "And I'm sorry but that's just not enough. You need a stable home."

"What I need is my family, and my friends and the people I love. Throwing me and John B in foster care isn't gonna help anyone, okay?.So for me can you just turn your eye. This is my home." I begged but her mind was already made. If they took us away they wouldn't put us in a foster home here we'd be spit up and ship out of the island so that means I'd never be able to see any of my friends again.

"how about you get dressed and we'll talk about it more?"

I bit the inside of my lip angrily about to say something rude but JJ interjected.

"I think that's a good idea." he smiled, he couldn't possibly want me to leave, I knew that. I also knew what JJ looked like when he had a plan so I went along with it.

"Okay. I'll go with you." I say.

JJ pushed past everyone. "It was nice to meet you two, genuinely. But it's time for me to go" he faked a smile the two adults nod and they went to go sit in the living room. 

I stalked to my room and ran to my closet, I've never gotten dressed quicker pulling up my black ripped jean shorts over my bare legs and a cropped jacket over my laced bra.

The woman knocked on my door. "Almost done?"

"yea almost!" I yell back.

I didn't intend to be gone long, so I only packed a small back filled with a few things I need and then hurried to the window. I threw open the curtains, "Come on!" My face lights up when I see JJ behind the window waiting for me to climb out.

i pulled open the window and another knock sounded from my door. "okay, come out now!" She demands. I ignored her request and used JJs hand to help me over and i planted my feet on his bike stand.

"Okay I'm coming in!" The woman announced before barging into my room, that had to be illegal.

I held onto JJs shoulders as she made eye contact with us. "See ya Cheryl!" I giggled, saluting her with my fingers.


"God did you see her face? That had to be the funniest shit I seen all week" JJ joked, I hopped off the bike with a smile plastered on my lips.

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