021. technology ghost

Start from the beginning

"Why in the hell would you think I listen to country music?" Larissa asks.

"Why don't you guys Google it?" Dean smiles.


Last night, the brothers burned the truck, but another girl still died while alone in her dorm room.

They're walking to the dorm when Dean gets distracted by two college girls walking by.

"Hey." Sam calls.

"I'm not gonna make it." Dean says.

"Focus." Sam says.

The detective leads them into the dorm.

"Delilah Marian, the roommate, found her this morning after an all nighter at the library." The detective informs.

"Strangulation?" Sam asks.

"Sicko used the power cord from the computer." The detective says.

"Suspects?" Dean asks.

"None yet. The odd thing was the door was locked." The detective says.

"Hmm. Have you talked to any of the other girls who live here?" Sam asks.

"Well, most of them have already left for spring break. But the roommate was really helpful. She gave us all of Julie's passwords. And nowadays, the only way to find out anything about teenagers is through social media. Trust me, I got two of them. Excuse me, agents." She walks out of the dorm.

"Vengeful spirit much?" Dean asks, taking his EMF meter out.

"Yeah, but is it Joey's or another ghost?" Sam asks.

"I don't know." Dean says, watching the EMF meter light up. "So first it possesses a truck and then it possesses a computer? Both machine related kills."

"So, what? You think we're dealing with a "Ghost in the Machine"?" Sam asks.

"Maybe. But if it is the same ghost, I mean, they usually anchor themselves to a place or a thing. How is this one jumping from one machine to the next?" Dean asks as Sam takes the laptop.


"We really appreciate your help, Delilah. We know this can't possibly be easy. Did Julie, by chance, know a student named Billy Bass?" Sam asks.

"Everyone knew Billy. He was the president of Sigma Theta Delta." Delilah says.

"STD?" Dean and Larissa question.

"Yeah. It's the biggest frat on campus." Delilah says.

"Did, uh-- Julie know Billy's brother, Joey, the-the soldier?" Dean asks.

"I don't think so. I didn't even know Billy had a brother." Delilah says.

"Did she have any enemies? Any reason why someone might want to hurt her?" Sam asks.

"No. Julie was really popular, super sweet. I can't imagine anyone wanting to hurt her." Delilah says.

"You know we're federal agents, right? Lying to us is a big time offense." Dean says.

"I'm not lying, agent. There's just... nothing else to tell." Delilah says.


Sam and Larissa are sitting at a table in the cafeteria.

"All right." Dean sits down with a tray of a bunch of food. "And a cafe au lait for the lady." He gives Sam coffee. "Some fruit, a cookie, and apple juice for the baby. And some pasta and soda for the baby mama. For me..."

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