020. teenage dean

Start from the beginning

"Look. We all know what's going on here, okay?" The guy says.

"Don't say it." Dean closes his eyes.

"Aliens." The guy states.

"He said it." Dean says.

"Yeah, he did." Sam mumbles.

"Dude was abducted. Believe me, I know. May 2003. Those suckers, they grabbed me, and they probed me everywhere."

"Okay." They start to walk away.

"Thanks for your time." Sam says, putting a hand on Larissa's back to guide her away.

"I'm talking everywhere." The guy says.

"Ugh." Larissa grimaces.

"Yep." Sam gives him a thumbs up. "Okay. Okay."

"Well, the wheels just came flying off the bus." Dean says.

"Yeah. No cold spots means it probably wasn't a ghost." Sam says.

"No sulfur means no demons, so that leaves us with what? Couple of little green dudes and a bucket of lube?" Dean asks.

"Or fairies. Or... angels." Sam says.

"Ugh. I'd rather have the little green dudes." Dean says.

"All right, we'll go scope out J.P.'s place. You, uh, you ask around inside." Sam says. Dean looks concerned. "Or you know what? We don't have to split up. Or one of us can stay with you here."

"No, no, no, it's cool. I can handle a little 20 questions with the locals, okay?" Dean says.

"You sure?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, hey, look, it's a dive bar. It's my comfort zone, hmm?" Dean says.

"All right." Sam takes the keys from Dean, walking to the car. Larissa pats Dean on the arm in support before going to the car.


Sam and Larissa are at the bar and it's nighttime. Sam's trying to call Dean, but he isn't answering. He tries again, the two hearing Dean's phone from behind the counter. The bartender reaches into Dean's jacket pocket and declines the call.

"Hey, buddy? Where'd that jacket come from?" Sam asks.

"My bar mitzvah." The bartender chuckles, walking to their side of the counter. "It was a magical night."

"Yeah, I bet." Sam retorts. Knowing what's coming, Larissa hides Athena's face in her shoulder. Sam slams the bartender's head on the counter. "Why don't you try that again?"

"Dumpster. Found it by the dumpster." The bartender says.

"All right." Sam grabs the jacket, him and Larissa walking out. They use their flashlights and walk around the bar to the dumpsters. Sam sees something under the dumpster and kneels down. He picks up Dean's shoe and gun.

Sam looks up at Larissa, the two sharing a worried look.

Sam finds yellow dust on the handle of the gun and wipes it off, bringing his hand up to smell it.

"Flowers." Sam says.

"Crap." Larissa whispers.


Sam and Larissa are researching while Athena is asleep on one of the beds. There's a knock on the door making the two share a look.

Sam gets his gun and cocks it, going to the door. He opens it, a teenage boy there.

"Yeah?" Sam asks.

"Hiya, Sammy." Dean smirks.

"Dean?" Sam asks.

"Yeah." Dean walks in. "Hey, Rissa." The woman stares at him in confused shock. They both watch as Dean pulls a duffel bag out from under his bed and dumps it on the table. He nods at Larissa when he notices her still staring in shock.

"W-Wait a second. Y-You're a--" Sam stammers.

"Uh-huh." Dean nods.

"How?" Sam asks.

"No clue." Dean loads and unloads his gun. "Some Scarface looking dude, bright light." He loads his gun and cocks it. "Next thing I know, I wake up looking like Bieber."

"Why would someone turn you into--"

"Don't know." Dean tucks his gun in his pants. "Don't care. Hey, we got any grenades?"

"What?" Sam asks. Dean tries to pass him. "Don't-- wait, wait, wait. Wait a second. Talk to me."

"Really, Sam? Now? I got no grass on the infield, and a girl's gonna die. Sorry if I'm not in a chatty mood. Look, you wanted me back in the game. I'm back in the damn game. Come on." Dean walks out.

Sam quickly grabs his jacket and gun.

"We'll be back later." Sam says. He leaves, shutting the door behind him. Larissa still sits silently in her state of confusion and shock.


Larissa look over as the motel door opens.

"Hey. You're an adult again." She comments, seeing Dean in his normal form.

"And a Swiftie." Sam adds.

"And you moved." Dean remarks. She sarcastically smiles, Dean sarcastically smiling back.

"You two are explaining everything to me. Including the Swiftie thing." Larissa says.

"Unca De!" Athena races over to him.

"Hey." Dean picks her up. "How's my favorite munchkin?" Athena smiles and gives him a thumbs up making Dean chuckle. "Good to know." He kisses her forehead.

"Yeah, sure, not like I'm back too or anything." Sam mumbles. Larissa smiles a little at his jealousy.

"Dada!" Athena wiggles in Dean's grip until he puts her down and she races to Sam.

"Oh, now she wants me?" Sam rolls his eyes.

"Stow the jealousy." Larissa tells him as he picks Athena up.

"Hi, baby girl." Sam greets, kissing her cheek a few times making her giggle.

"Great. You can put her in the car seat. Let's go. Story time." Larissa says.

"Oh, yay. Now I get to relive it." Dean smiles sardonically.

"And I get to know what happened in the past 12 or so hours." Larissa says. "Let's go." She drags him out, Sam following.

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