Chapter 18

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Danielle's POV

A few hours later, Mia was off the ventilator and now we just needed to wait for her to wake up. "Come on bella, let's lay down. They brought the cot so you could lie down and sleep, not just stay sitting in the chair." Stefania said, holding my hand. 

"Fine." I said quietly. It was so hard seeing Mia like that, she looked so weak and tiny in that hospital bed. Stefania kept holding my hand as we got up, heading to lie down. 

"Do you want me to lie with you?" Stefania asked. I nodded as she got in the bed, propping herself up against the back. She motioned for me to come lay down, and when I did she gently pulled me so I was resting on her chest. 

"I don't know if I can do this." I said quietly. 

"Do what?" Stefania asked me. I am sure she knew what I meant but just wanted to confirm.

"Be Mia's mom. The way she talks about her mom is so amazing, but I feel like I am replacing her. I don't want to replace her mom. And what if she doesn't want to stay with me? I mean, she could just say she doesn't want to. And I can't even imagine what it will be like for her when the news of this starts to come out. She hasn't even been revealed as part of the cast yet, so on top of that she will have to deal with all of the questions everyone asks. I just don't know if I can do this." I said, starting to cry. 

"Danielle, look at me." Stefania said. I looked up at her with tears in my eyes. "You can do this. I know you would never try to replace her mom. And Mia loves you so much, there is no way she would say she doesn't want to. I have no idea how that idea even came to you. And you two can take this slow, you don't have to reveal anything yet or for a while. She will be ok. You will be ok. And I can be there to help whenever you need me to." Stefania said. I cuddled back on her and she started to stroke my hair. 

"A few people have texted and are asking if they could come by and see Mia." Stefania said, breaking the silence.

"Who?" I asked.

"Jaina and Barrett mainly." She told me.

"Maybe tomorrow. Hopefully Mia will be awake by then." I said, starting to tear up again.

"Hopefully." Stefania said. "Why don't we both try to get some sleep, you look exhausted bella." Usually, I would make a joke saying how rude, but I just didn't have the energy, so I just nodded. I closed my eyes, trying to fall asleep, but couldn't. I eventually just decided to pretend to be asleep so Stefania wouldn't worry.

Stefania's POV

I could tell that Danielle was still awake. As much as Danielle thinks she can fake it, she can't. Within the time we have been in the hospital for Mia, and Danielle has been wanting to be close and snuggly (which is the cutest thing ever), I have been able to recognize her sleeping patterns. When she is asleep, her whole body is relaxed, her breaths are slow and steady. But when she is awake, she is more tense, no matter how much she tries to relax, and her breathing is faster, shakier. Sometimes she is asleep, but having a nightmare, so she is more tense and her breathing is faster. But I can still tell she is asleep. I don't know how, I just know. I had been trying many different things to get her to fall asleep in the past 20 minutes. I'd been rubbing her back, stroking her hair, humming her favorite songs, even just holding her close, but nothing was working. I continued gently rubbing her back, and to my surprise I finally felt her relax, and fall asleep. I stayed awake for a bit, making sure everything was ok until I eventually fell asleep as well.

I woke up to Danielle shifting around, and when I opened my eyes I saw her heading over to the chair by Mia's bed. I checked my phone for the time, and was disappointed to see that we only got an hour and a half of sleep. I stayed laying down but faced towards Danielle and Mia. Danielle was holding Mia's hand and we both stayed how we were for a while until I saw a change in Danielle's face. She looked shocked, scared but almost happy at the same time. 

"I think she just squeezed my hand." Danielle said, looking up at me. 

"I'll get the doctor." I said, and as I got up I saw Mia's eyes start to flutter open. 

"Hey baby." Danielle said. "How are you feeling?" 

"Hurts." Mia said. 

"I know sweetheart." She said. 

"Hello Mia. I am Doctor Thompson. I'm so glad to see you awake. I can get you some more pain meds right away." The doctor said, making me jump a little as I didn't even see her enter the room. Doctor Thompson gave Mia some meds, and I went over to give Danielle a hug. I felt her tears dripping onto my shoulder, but they were not sad tears this time, they were happy. So happy. 

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