Chapter 7

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TW: Marks from abuse, verbal abuse, physical abuse

Danielle's POV

Once I finished filming my scene, I went back to my trailer to find Jaina and Mia all snuggled up. "How is she doing?" I asked Jaina.

"She's fast asleep. This was a much needed nap. But I noticed something." Jaina told me. I nodded at her to continue. "She is covered in bruises and is so thin I can see her ribs." She said quietly, trying not to wake the sleeping girl.

"I know, I saw that too. I think it would be best to wait to bring it up until she at least trusts us a bit more." I said, as I saw Mia stir. "Hey Mia, are you feeling any better?" I asked her.

"Yeah. I think I just really needed some sleep. I'm feeling much better now." Mia said, slowly sitting up.

"That's great. You have a scene with me in 20 minutes if you are up for it. You probably just need to get your makeup touched up and it should be a quick and easy scene.

"Yeah, I'm good to film. Thank you for staying with me miss Ortiz."

"Please, call me Jaina. And it was no problem." Jaina told her.

"Thank you Jaina." Mia said as I helped her up and we headed to the makeup trailer to get her all touched up. And once we were finished with her scene, I was able to bring her home.

Mia's POV

Once Danielle dropped me off at home, I could see that it was just my dad and step-mom who were home. Which was good because that meant that none of their friends could do anything to me, but bad because they had no friends to distract them from me. I tried to sneak past them and go up to my room, but had no luck. "Mia. Get over here." My dad slurred.

"What do you need?" I asked, shaking as I could tell he was drunk.

"Can't I just say hi to my precious daughter." He said, stroking my cheek. I rolled my eyes without even really noticing but he certainly did. "Did you really just roll your eyes?" He asked me, the anger building up in his voice.

"I-I-I-I'm sorry." I said, shaking even more. I began to cry as he grabbed my wrist. And of course, then the hitting came. Every slap, every punch, at first hurt more and more but by this point each hit just made me more numb. Once he walked away, I crawled to my room, not even wanting to ask him if I could have any food. I was trying to stay silent so he would just forget I was even there. I silenced my cries and tried to make my stomach stop growling but I hadn't eaten in a while. I rummaged through my room until I found an old granola bar which wasn't much, but satisfied my hunger just enough. Still feeling a bit sick from earlier, I decided to lay down and try to sleep with no success. I wanted Danielle. All I wanted was Danielle, or Jaina, or someone from the cast. They gave me hugs and talked to me nicely while my dad just hit me and my step mom ignored it all. I wanted my mom. I missed my mom more than ever. I wanted the dad that used to cuddle and hug and kiss me. But that dad disappeared right after my mom died. I grabbed hold of my special stuffed bunny which gave me some comfort. My mom got it for me before she died. Finally, I was able to get to sleep with the help of exhausting crying.

When I woke up, I noticed that I slept in a bit so I just threw on the first outfit that I found and brushed my hair and teeth so I could be ready for Danielle to pick me up. Danielle has started to bring me to and from set every day, which is so nice. As I was leaving I saw that my dad was in a good mood so I decided to ask him to fill out the form for me to shoot on location. "Hey dad?" I asked.

"What do you want Mia." He grunted. I guess he's not in a good mood but no turning back now.

"Can you sign this?" I asked him quietly, handing over the form. 

"What the hell is this for?"

"It's so that I can film on location. I was guessing that neither you or Katherine, I mean mom, would want to so I will stay with another actress from the show." I said. It hurt me so much inside to call my step-mom, Katherine, mom, but my dad always got mad if I didn't. 

"Well that's one thing you're right about. I would love to not have to deal with you for a while. You are so expensive with all of your medications and doctors appointments. I'll also need your paycheck asap. That's the only thing you are good for, the money. Now do you have a pen so I can sign this shit?" He asked me. I grabbed a pen out of my bag while holding back tears. He basically just said I'm ruining his life and I'm only good because I work and make money. My dad quickly signed the form and handed it back to me. 

"Um, can I maybe have something to eat before I go?" I asked him.

"No. I just told you that you are so fucking expensive, why would I let you have food. You are just a FUCKING WASTE OF SPACE!" He yelled, waving his finger in my face with each word. I just had to crack. The tears flooded out. I raced outside as fast as I could and luckily I had my medication tray with me. I quickly took all of my meds and put the tray away as I continued to cry while waiting for Danielle. 

After a few minutes, I saw Danielle's car pull up. I got up and got in the back seat of the car. "Hey, Mia, are you ok?" Danielle asked me. 

"I'm fine." I said. But the tears down my face say otherwise. I rested my head against the window.

"You know you can talk to me, right?" 

"Yeah. I'm all good." I said, sighing as we drove away. 


I'm back!!! Sorry I didn't update for a while, but I'll probably update more this week.

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