Chapter 16

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Danielle's POV

After I got the call from Mia telling me she was at her parents' house and that they were bringing her to set, I started getting ready because I had an early call time and I wanted to be there when Mia got to set. When I was about to leave, I saw Jaina was calling me and I had 3 missed calls from her. "Jaina, what's wrong? Do I hear sirens? Are you hurt?" I asked her as I answered the phone. I heard sirens in the background, which concerned me. Was Jaina hurt?"

"Dani, I'm ok. It's Mia. She was in an accident. I found their car wrecked, a drunk driver hit them." Jaina said. I could hear the tears in her voice. Even though I was the closest with Mia, the entire cast has gotten incredibly close to her. We were all like her family.

"How bad is it?" I asked, gathering my things and get ready to leave as I heard Jaina sob.

"Just hurry. Meet us at the hospital. Mia's heart stopped again." She said, and as soon as I heard her say that I raced out to the car.

"I'll call you when I get there." I said, starting to cry as I hung up the phone. I drove as fast as I could to the hospital. To be honest when I was driving I didn't even know where I was going and how I got there, but I ended up at the hospital. I texted Jaina that I was there and I headed to the emergency room enterance. I saw Jaina and ran up to hug her. 

"Do you know how she is?" I asked, releasing from the hug. 

"No, they won't tell me anything. All I know is that she was raced to surgery." She said. 

"How are her dad and Katherine?" I asked, hoping she would know something. 

"I don't know. Her dad was in really bad shape and I'm pretty sure Katherine didn't make it. The doctor said that if her dad wakes up soon they can ask if we can see Mia when she's out of surgery." 

"What happened?" I asked, starting to pace.

"I told you, they were hit by a drunk driver." Jaina said. 

"No. I need you to tell me exactly what happened. What you know." I said. 

"Can we sit down first?" Jaina asked as I nodded. She led me over to the chairs in the waiting room. I sat with my head in my hands as Jaina rubbed my back. 

"I was driving to set when I saw a car wreck, so I pulled over to call 911. I went to see if they were ok, and the drunk driver was fine, but then when I went over to the other car I saw Mia. Katherine's side of the car was completly smashed. Her dad was unconsious. Mia was consious most of the time until her heart stopped. She wouldn't let me leave her side." Jaina said, making both of us start to cry. 

"Di-did she have a bag with her in the car?" I asked in between sobs. 

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure someone got all of their things when they removed the cars." 

"Her-her bunny. Sh-she doesn't go anywhere without her bunny." 

"We'll get all of her things." Jaina said, bringing me into a hug. We stayed hugging for a while until we noticed a doctor come up to us. 

"Miss Savre, I am Doctor Williams. Mr. Wright, Mia's dad, is wondering if he can speak to you." The doctor said to me.

"Of course." I said wiping my tears. "Can you please tell me if Mia is ok?" 

"All that I can say for now is that she is alive." Doctor Williams said. "Come with me." He said. 

"I'll call Krista and tell her what is going on." Jaina said as the doctor led me away. 

"I am not sure how much you know about what happened, but I let Mr. Wright know that you and Miss Ortiz are here and wanted to see Mia and he asked to talk to you." Doctor Williams explained as we approached Mia's dad's room. I honestly didn't know if I would be able to go in that room without murdering that man right then and there. When we entered the room, the man laying in the bed didn't look like the type who would abuse his child. He looked weak, disapointed in both the world and himself. "I'll be right outside if you need anything." The doctor said before leaving. 

"You're Danielle?" The man asked me.

"Yes, I am. You are Mia's dad?" I said, trying not to burst back into tears. 

"Yes, I am Peter. You know, in the short time today that I saw Mia, she talked a little about you and I could tell she was so much happier. The way her face lit up when she mentioned your name is something I haven't seen in her since her mother died." He said. 

"I care a lot about her." I replied, fighting the urge to punch that son of a bitch in the face. 

"The doctors told me my chances. I know that I am most likely not surviving this and even if I do I am not fit to be a father. I can tell you care so much about my little girl and she cares so much about you. I know I haven't been the best father since her mom died, probably one of the worst, but I was trying to get better, for my baby girl, but we both know that isn't going to happen even if I do make it out of here. I want you to take my baby. She has no other family, I need to know she is safe." He said, making me tear up, and making the urge to punch him slightly less. 

"I would be happy to take Mia if you are sure this is something you want." I said to him. 

"Please, go check on her. I'll get everything legally figured out. She needs to feel safe right now." Peter said, starting to cry himself.

"Thank you." I managed to get out through sobs.

"Please, let the doctor back in." He said. I got up to open the door and the doctor came back into the room. Peter gave the doctor permisson to see Mia as well as get updates about her and let him know that he wanted me to take her in. Once he said that, the doctor said that he would get someone to come and help with that while he brought me to see Mia. When we got to the peds wing, another doctor took over and brought me to Mia's room in the PICU. 

"Miss Savre, I am doctor Anderson. I am Mia's doctor. She has some pretty severe injuries, but we have hope that she will be ok. She has 4 broken ribs, one punctured her lung but we were able to repair that in surgery. She did have a minor brain bleed but that was also repaired. She also fractured her ankle but that should heal relatively quickly. Her heart also stopped multiple times during surgery. Mia is still sedated to try to minimize the pain she will have to feel, but we will lower sedation soon. Would you like to see her?" Doctor Anderson asked me. I nodded as she opened the door to Mia's room. "There is a bag of her things right on that table as well. I have to go and get some of her meds, but I will be back soon." She said, leaving. I sat down in the chair that was right next to my girl's bed. She was hooked up to many moniters. Her face full of tubes and cuts, she was nearly unrecgonizable. I grabbed my phone and saw that Jaina had messaged me to say that she had to leave the hospital. She said that everyone knew what was going on and they all sent their prayers. I called Stefania right away and she said she would come to the hospital. I went over to the bag of Mia's belongings and grabbed out her bunny. Stefania quickly arrived at the hospital, and when I was her, neither of us said anything, I just sunk into her arms. 

"It's ok Bella, it's all going to be ok." She said, hugging me and rubbing my back. After a while of hugging, we went over to the comfortable chair on the side of the room. It wasn't quite big enough to fit both of us, so we tried to both get comfortable sitting next to eachother in the chair but I just ended up practically on Stefania's lap. She rubbed my back as I kept a tight hold on Mia's bunny and I eventually fell asleep in her arms.

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