Chapter 12

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Once Danielle and I finished our food and drinks, we went to go find Jaina and Barrett. "Hey Mia! It's so good to see you again." Jaina said, giving me a hug. 

"Hey Mia!" Barrett said, giving me a hug as well. Danielle sat next to Jaina, and I sat next to Danielle. I tried to snuggle up with her, but the arm rest was getting in the way. 

"Do you want to sit on my lap?" Danielle asked me. I nodded, and she lifted me onto her lap. I snuggled up close to her, but not too close. When I saw Grey and Jay walk up to us, I tensed up and I could tell that Danielle noticed that. "Do you want to go get some candy and snacks for the flight?" Danielle whispered to me. I nodded. 

"Mia and I are going to get some snacks for the flight, we'll be back soon." Danielle told everyone. We got up and Danielle took my hand as we walked to a small shop in the airport. 

"So what do you want to get?" Danielle asked me. I just shrugged my shoulders, there were so many options. "What is your favorite candy in the whole world." 

"I guess I like gummy bears." I said quietly. 

"Well then gummy bears it is!" She said, grabbing a bag of Haribo gummy bears for me.

"I didn't bring any money though." I replied sadly.

"Don't worry about that. I'll pay for you. Maybe you should pick out some gum too, it helps your ears not pop when we are taking off." Danielle told me. I grabbed a pack of gum and so did Danielle and she paid for everything. "Do you have to use the bathroom or anything before we go back?

"No I'm good." I said. "So how will seating work on the plane?"

"I think that it will be me, you, and Stefania all in a row but I'm not sure what everyone else is doing. Are you ok with that?"

"Yeah. Stefania is nice to me." 

"Will you want to sit by the window, the middle seat, or the aisle?" 

"Can I sit by the window?" I asked. 

"Of course. Are you ok if we go meet back up with everyone else? I think we are boarding pretty soon." Danielle asked me. I nodded as we walked back to our terminal. When we got back, Stefania was there and we were starting to get ready to board. I stayed close to Danielle as we got our ticket checked and got on the plane. Once we found our seats, Stefania grabbed out a pack of wipes so that we could wipe everything clean. I sat down in the window seat as Danielle sat in the middle seat and Stefania on the aisle seat. 

"I'm scared." I admitted. 

"I know you are, but I promise you that everything will be ok. Once we take off we can move this arm rest too so you can be closer to me if you want, or you can just watch a movie, or you could sleep." Danielle said. I nodded, still a bit scared. After a bit, I felt the plane start to move. I flinched, and Danielle grabbed my hand to make me feel safer, and I will admit, it worked. The plane started to move to the runway as I felt the fear come more. My watch went off to alert me that my heartrate was high but I already knew that. I started chewing a piece of gum so that hopefully my ears wouldn't pop. I felt the plane go faster and faster, and I just gripped onto Danielle's hand tighter. As we took off, I looked out of the window and it was actually pretty cool. Once the seatbelt light turned off, Danielle moved the armrests and I leaned onto her shoulder. 

"I'm tired." I said.

"Ok, you can sleep if you want to." She replied. I started to drift off into sleep, but before I did I grabbed my bunny out of my bag and held it in my arms. 

I woke up to the plane shaking. Danielle started stroking my hair as she saw the fear in my eyes. "It's ok Mia, it's just turbulence." Danielle said. She held me tighter as I cried. Eventually, the plane stopped shaking and I was able to fall back asleep. 

I woke up to Danielle gently shaking me. "Mia, we are about to land. I have to put the armrest back down." Danielle said. I slowly sat up and let Danielle move the armrest. I started to get more nervous but Danielle held my hand which made me feel better. I felt the plane begin to go down and it actually looked really cool seeing everything get closer. We made it to the runway and it only scared me a little when the plane hit the ground but it was a lot easier than I thought it would be. Once we were able to get off of the plane, I put on my backpack and Danielle held my hand as we walked off of the plane. I finally felt safe. Away from my home and with people who cared.


Sorry I haven't updated in a bit. I have been really busy this past week but I'll try to post more often. I hope you enjoyed this part and as always please comment and vote! I want to start doing a question of the day, so from this chapter on you will see that. Also, let's just pretend that the cast take planes to film on location

QOTD: How old are you

AOTD: I'm 15

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