Chapter 11

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3 Days Later

Mia's POV

Finally, it was the day that we would travel to film on location. I packed everything that I needed last night and I woke up at 6:00 so I was ready to be picked up by 7:00. Danielle was taking me and I shared a room with her, which I was thrilled about. I like being with Danielle, she always makes me feel so loved and cared for which I haven't felt since my mom was alive. It was 7:00, and I raced outside as soon as I saw Danielle's car pull up. I had told my dad last night and texted him to remind him I would not be home for a few days. "Good morning Mia!" Danielle said as she got out of the car to help me lift my bag into the back. 

"Good morning Danielle!" I said excitedly. "Can I pleaseeee sit in the front?" 

"No, you may not. You are too little! You know you have to stay in the back. You honestly should probably have a booster seat too." Danielle said. 

"Fine." I said, getting into the back seat. "How long will this trip take?" 

"We are meeting everyone at the airport which will take about 40 minutes to get there and then the flight will be about 2 and a half hours. Did you remember to pack a carry on?" Danielle asked as she started to drive.

"Yeah. I just packed my phone and some headphones along with my medicines and sea bands." I said, not mentioning that I brought my stuffed bunny too. She would think that is too babyish,

"I am just going to pretend like I know what those are." She laughed. 

"You are awfully quiet today. Is something bothering you?" Danielle asked me after about 10 minutes of silence.

"I'm just a little scared for the plane. I've never been on a plane before, well not since I was a baby." 

"I promise you that everything will be ok. And I will be with you the whole time." Danielle reassured me. I nodded and went back to day dreaming. 

"Can I ask you something? You don't have to answer me if you don't want to." Danielle asked me, snapping me out of my thoughts. 

"Of course." I replied.

"Stefania told me that she had to calm you down from a panic attack the other day. Have you had any panic attacks previously?"

"Yeah." I hesatintly replied. "I've been diagnosed with anxiety when I was really young." 

"Do you have any other diagnosises that I don't know about?"

"Well you know about dysautonomia or POTS, then there is anxiety, OCD, scoliosis, chronic nose bleeds. And then all of the misdiagnosises. When I was a toddler I was diagnosed with selective mutism which was really just my social anxiety, POTS they always said was just anxiety, doctors thought that I had cystic fibrosis, but then realized I didn't, then they thought it was athsma, it wasn't, I think it was just a bunch of sinus infections but I don't really remember. Oh yeah, then I had pneumonia like 4 times. I think that's it. Oh, wait I also have a mildly dialated aorta." I said. 

"Um, wow that's a lot. I'm sorry you have to go through all of that."

"It's fine. I'm used to it by now. The one thing that I can't get used to is all of the blood draws and IVs. I hate needles." I said. 

"Me too. I can't stand needles." She said. We talked for a while more until we got to the airport. 

"Ok Mia, you are going to have to stay right with me or someone else from the cast this whole time. There are going to be lots of people and I don't want you getting lost." Danielle told me as she helped get my suitcase out from the back of her car. Great, lots of people. Clearly something that I love. We got our suitcases checked and then headed to security. On our way to security, we found Grey. I moved closer to Danielle as Grey came over. I trust him, but not enough. I kept a tight grip on Danielle's hand while her and Grey were talking. I started to get tired, and my feet were basically just dragging along. 

"Do you want me to carry you until we get to security?" Danielle asked me. I nodded as she lifted me up into her arms. I rested my head on her shoulder as Danielle and Grey were still talking. Once we got to security, Danielle had to put me down. We had to put our bags in a bin and our shoes as well. Grey walked through the metal detector, then Danielle, then me. Luckily none of us made the detector go off. 

"So we have about an hour until boarding so we can get something to eat, just relax, we can do whatever. I'm pretty sure that Barrett and Jaina are waiting by our terminal so we can go sit by them if you want to. And Stefania will be here soon, she just arrived at the airport. Same as Jay." Danielle told me. Grey said that he was going to go find the others and left. 

"Can we get something to eat? I didn't have breakfast yet today." I asked.

"Of course. We could go to starbucks. You could get a drink and a croissant, or a bagel, or anything that you want."

"That sounds amazing." I said as Danielle took my hand and we walked to starbucks. I got a pink drink and a croissant and Danielle got a caramel macchiato. We both finished eating and drinking before we went to meet up with everyone.


Ok, so I would have posted a part yesterday but I wrote a random part and hated it so I just scrapped it and decided to do this one instead. Anyways, I hope you like it and please vote and comment!

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