Chapter 14

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Mia's POV

"Mia, it's time to wake up. We have to get to hair and makeup." Danielle said. I was the only kid who came to shoot on location as this is the episode where Maya saves Harper's life and becomes her mother. I just wish that could happen in real life. Danielle has saved me already. I got out of bed, extremely tired and took out my medicine tray. It was one like you think of old people having because I have so many meds. 3 salt sticks, gabapentin, sertraline, vitamin B12, and that was just the morning. I took my medicines quickly before continuing to get ready. "You know, we are going to have to talk about what you said last night." Danielle said.

"I know. I just don't want to now." I replied. We went to get our hair and makeup ready and get in our outfits. Mine was a dress covered in blood, and Danielle's was just her turnouts. Since I was little, I could pull off playing Harper who is supposed to be 7. Then we headed off to film our scenes.

"Is my mommy dead?" Harper asked the firefighter.

"Your mommy is very hurt and my team is trying very hard to make her better." Maya said, knowing that it was very unlikely that the little girl's mom would make it out alive. "Can you tell me your name and how old you are?"

"Harper. I'm 7." The little girl replied. "I'm scared."

"I know you are. Why don't you tell me some things that you like to do?"

"I like to dance, but I'm not very good. My daddy used to say how good I was but I didn't believe him."

"Is your daddy at home right now?"

"Daddy is in heaven." Harper said, shocking Maya. "Is my mommy going to go to heaven too?"

"I hope not. She is hurt but my team and the doctors she is going to see are some of the best there are." Maya said.

"You did so good Mia!" Danielle said after we finished the scene.

"Thanks." I replied, sitting on the ground. "Can you get my bag? I need to take one of my medicines." 

"Sure." Danielle said, grabbing my bag. I took my medicine for nausea as I felt like I could puke any second and then took a sip of water to wash the taste away. We filmed a few more scenes as well as ate lunch and then Danielle and I went back to out hotel room as we were finished for the day. The whole cast went to a restaurant for dinner which I hated, it was too crowded, but Danielle made me feel safe. 

"Why don't you go take a shower sweetie." Danielle said once we got back to our room. "Then maybe we can watch some tv." 

"Ok." I said as I headed to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and changed into my pajamas, which were a bit small but they were my only ones, and then I went back out to find Danielle. I got into bed holding my bunny. (This is what the bunny looks like)

"Do you want to watch tv, or you could just watch some youtube on your phone, whatever you want

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"Do you want to watch tv, or you could just watch some youtube on your phone, whatever you want." Danielle said.

"Can we watch tv?" I asked quietly. 

"Of course. I'll go through the channels and you can tell me if you see something that you want to watch. And I'm good with whatever you want." Danielle said as she started flipping through the channels. 

"Can we watch Full House?" I asked as I saw that on the screen. 

"Of course sweetie. That's one of my favorites." She said, putting the remote down. Full House is one of my favorite shows. It's kind of like what I wish my life was like after my mom died. In Full House, the dad is so amazing after the kids' mom died, but mine is the opposite. I started watching the tv, but every once in a while I looked over at Danielle's bed. I wanted to go over and lay with her but I didn't want to ask. 

"Do you want to come over and lay with me sweetheart?" Danielle asked as she noticed me looking. I nodded and Danielle motioned for me to come over. I got up, bringing my bunny with me. I laid in Danielle's arms as we watched tv, and I eventually fell asleep. 


Sorry it took me so long to update, I honestly had no motivation to write and golf is starting back up again for the year as well as robotics so I will have less time to write. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Would you guys prefer me keeping the chapters shorter or try to make them longer? Please let me know and as always please comment and vote.

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