Chapter 17

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Stefania's POV

After a couple hours of Danielle sleeping in my arms, I was tempted to fall asleep, but I stayed awake to keep an eye on her and Mia. When Doctor Anderson (is that the name I chose for the doctor honestly idk but it's the same one as last time), I knew I would have to wake Danielle up even though she was sleeping so peacefully.

"Danielle, bambina, you have to wake up, the doctor is here." I woke her, gently rubbing her shoulder. She slowly woke up and stood up out of the chair.

"Mia's father sadly passed an hour ago, before he did he gave all parental rights to Miss Savre. He said that you agreed upon this, but you can change your mind." The doctor told Danielle.

"Please, call me Danielle, and of course I would love to take Mia." Danielle replied.

"We believe that it would be in Mia's best interest to transport her to the childrens hospital. She has a dilated aorta which already existed before the accident, but the accident made it become an aneurysm with a very high chance of rupturing if it isn't operated on soon. There is an amazing pediatric cardiothorasic surgeon at the childrens hospital."

"Of course, do whatever you need to."

"We would like to transport her as soon as possible so you will just need to fill out some forms and then we can get her into the ambulance to brung you guys to the childrens hospital." Doctor Anderson said, bringing Danielle out of the room to sign the forms. I checked my phone and saw that it has been blowing up. There were even a few posts on instagram from people who saw Danielle and Jaina in the waiting room and wanted to know what was happening. I replied to all of my texts and ignored the instagram posts and messages for now. Some people came into Mia's room to get her into the ambulance. They let both me and Danielle ride with in the ambulance, meaning that we both would have to come back to get our cars but that was the least of our worries. 

"Do you want me to tell everyone what is happening or just wait until we know more?" I asked Danielle. 

"Maybe tell Jaina and Krista. Jaina's probably wondering what's going on right now since she found them and Krista just needs to know." She said. We were silent for the rest of the ride to the hospital, but I kept a tight hold on Danielle's hand so she knew I was there. 

"Everyone is sending their love. Janai's mom messaged and said that Janai is asking where 'her Mia' is." Janai and Mia had gotten so close in the few times that they were on set together. Janai was like the little sister that Mia has never gotten. When Mia was feeling good, she would always be running around set with Janai, but if she was feeling sick Janai could tell, so they would just cuddle. Once we arrived at the childrens hospital, the doctors got Mia settled in her room. Danielle sat down in the chair next to her bed, holding Mia's hand. But then the moniters started going off like crazy. Doctors came rushing into the room, bringing Mia up to surgery. The aneurysm had ruptured. I had to basically hold Danielle back from running after them. Once the doctors rushed Mia away, Danielle collapsed in my arms, I tried to help her back up, but she wouldn't stand up, I don't think she even could. We stayed on the floor for a while, until both of our tears settled a bit. I was trying to stay strong for Danielle, but everyone, including me, had gotten so close to Mia I couldn't hold it in anymore. We only got up when a nurse came into the room.

"If you would like, I can get a cot for you so that you can stay with Mia." The nurse offered. My arms were still wrapped around Danielle with her in front of me. I felt her nod on my chest. 

"That would be great." I managed to get out through the tears. The nurse left to go get the cot, and I turned Danielle around so she was facing me as I gave her a big hug.

"Danielle, look at me. I know this is hard, but you are Mia's mom now, you need to be strong for your bambina. When, not if, when, Mia wakes up, she will be scared and you need to be brave for her." I said to Danielle, both of us still crying. We sat in the chairs that were in the room, waiting for any news, and then the surgeon entered the room. 

"Hello, I am Mia's surgeon, doctor Matthews. The aneurysm ruptured, but it was repaired in time. In a few hours we would like to wean her off the vent and see if she can breathe on her own as well as lower sedation." The surgeon said. 

"Thank you." Danielle said, crying, as she got up to hug the surgeon. "How is everything else for her right now?"

"Well the fracture in her ankle is very minor, she will probably only need to wear a walking boot for a couple of weeks. Her lung is doing much better and her ribs will probably just be sore. Her brain is doing great and her heart is of course not good right now, but she is doing better than many patients who have had that same surgery. I'll bring her in now." The surgeon informed us. He left to bring Mia back to her room, and me and Danielle sat on the cot that the nurse had brought in earlier. We sat there in silence until Danielle started to break down. I held her tight in my arms, trying to calm her down. 

"Ti ho preso. Mia starà bene. Lei è al sicuro, tu sei al sicuro. So che è spaventoso, ma eccomi qui. Ti ho bella." I whispered to her. I knew she had no idea what I was saying but it seemed to bring some comfort to her. We stayed like this until Mia's bed was brought back into the room. 

"So unfortunatly, only the legal guardian is allowed to stay overnight, which is Danielle. But we have bent the rules a little bit knowing how hard this is for you, you were just given custody and both of her parents just passed. Visitors are allowed but only one at a time and they will have to check in at the front dest as well as they arrive on this floor." Doctor Matthews said. 

"Thank you so much." Danielle said quietly as the surgeon left the room. 


Ti ho preso. Mia starà bene. Lei è al sicuro, tu sei al sicuro. So che è spaventoso, ma eccomi qui. Ti ho bella.-  I got you. Mia will be fine. She is safe, you are safe. I know it's scary, but I am here. I have you beautiful.

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