my experience

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A/n :any thing in bold and just in bold is the inner coversation with that person. BTW it's not a inner monolog. It like there talking with another person. I'll stop now before I spoil the book. Enjoy!

Beep beep

I wake and look at the alarm clock.

Shit I'm late.

I quickly throw on some clothes and ran off.

Hi I'm celestial flur. Bullies called me celery slur. They always have. No I'm green nor do I have a slur. I'm just a normal girl , who get Bullied.  I have a divorced mother and father. They only have me.

My school is hell manly because I have gym this year, with most of the jocks. I'd rather be in shop class. There fixing cars this year.

I walk in to the front door just in time for first hour.. math.

I quickly walk to class and sit in the assigned seat. The classroom was light blue with tacky carpet. Wall to wall with cabinets and white messy boards. The second bell rang and the teacher came in. It was a fresh young man, who look like he's as old as the dinosaur.

"To day class we are going to learn about slopes." He said

Everyone groned. I sat in the corner doodling. The math teacher rambled on for hours, most of us didn't listen. The bell for the next class and everyone rush out. I walk to my locker, to put my bag up since I have gym. Then I walk to the locker rooms. To find a few girls. They are only here to gossip.

"Did you guys see the hot new football captain" said a girl with platinum blonde hair.

That was Amy the head cheerleader, Madi the dark haired next her was her slave.
"Ya he totes hot"

I roll my eyes at there guy gossip. I quickly get dress in our gym uniforms;a black tank top with our school mascot , red shorts , and the shoes of we choose. I went with kike (it's Nike but different) that are black and white.

I got out there hope fully before the boys got out. In this school for our warm ups we have run 5 laps, 10 if we're late.
I start my 5 laps ..I was doing good until the boys got there. The zoom past me. I tried to keep up but I couldn't. So I usually out smart them and say I get done first.

"No you didn't run your laps  miss flur again" yelled Mr. Robin. I sighed and ran. I noticed a guy about average height, and a red streak in his hair looking at me. I shake my head and keept running.

After gym was science nothing happened there ,but then there's lunch. I rarely at lunch. Last year they always triped me and dumped my shit. So I just sit there either reading or drawing, things to invent. Today was difrent some pale kid sat across me.
He had brown almost pitch black void eyes. His hair was black as night.
I've seen this kid in school before.

I try to not make eye contact. If I had to put him in the cliche he would be in the goth.

I occasionally looked up seeing if he leave. He never did he just sat there with his hand in his hoodie looking at the table. 

The bell rang and , since I'm a sofmore in senor classes , I get to leave early so I did.
I walk home to my moms house. I dig out my phone get on social media. Soon my phone disappeared and I was on the ground. I look up I bump into  guy. He quickly turned around. He was the guy from gym. He held his hand out. I slaped way.

"Hey that wasn't nice" he said he had deep voice for a guy above me. I pushed past him, his hand moved into a clenched. He was going to punch me.

Red streak guy pov

That's odd girls usually want my hand. She was different. She had pretty brown hair  the color of bark of a tree, eyes green like grass. I notice her struggling with p.e.  then I notice one of the emeny was sitting at the same table today. Danm nathan. I run home to the middle of know where. The little farm house where my mom and my brother lived. I got greeted by the yellow retriver.

"HI Chica becka " I said as ruffled her hair. She wagged her tail. I smile.

"How was school , son" mom said

"It was great, i kind of sorta met a girl." I said nervously

I sat my bag down by the sofa. I walk up to my room and decided to go play a hunting game on my computer, since it's dangerous for us during the day.

Next day

I received a text from tyler

Hey mark why were you staring at that girl

I wasn't I was looking at the wall ploting to destroy the emeny

Tyler left the chat

I groned in frustration. I walk to school. What was her name again. I lean up against a locker,looking at the ceiling. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I look down it was ethan ,whosgeek but a part of the pack. His blue hair was in his face.

"Hey who's that girl" I said.

"Who you talking about Amy the cheer leader."

I faced palm my forehead.

"No stupid" I described what she looked like.

Then I saw her walk by. I pointed her out.

He look at her,"oh that girl , her name is celestial flur.  She doesn't talk, most people call her celery slur."

So that her name. What I pretty name. Then I felt someone watching me. I turned around. It was nathan. I grabbed him by the shirt.

He didn't even move.

"This one of your vampire tricks isn't it."  I pulled my fist back,getting ready to punch him.

"Mark no not here " I heard tyler say.

I growled. I slowly put him down. He just dusted him self off. I walk to my next class.

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