WLW! Nishikigi Chisato X WLW! MtF! Reader (Lycoris Recoil) {That Funny Feeling}

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Honestly such a good anime. I will be using this idea again I'm sure-

For my bestie Lia who's birthday is today so everyone wish her a happy birthday! (I'll screenshot it and send it to her)

Summary: Three different times Chisato had a "funny feeling" moment over her friend and co-worker.

Note: WLW = women love women and is not exclusive to any sexuality or romantic label. It is a umbrella term for any woman who loves another woman.

It was a slower evening at café LycoReco. Just a few of the usually patrons, a few new faces here and there. Until that one lady who writes manga slams open the door, just as the store was minutes away from closing. She quickly scans the room without saying another. 

"Ladies!" She announces, "I need your help!" They all looked at her, waiting for her to add some sort of context. "I need you all to play Smash!" 

"Huh!?" Takina slams her hands on the table.

She then pulls out a Nintendo Switch, and everyone relaxed. "Super Smash Bros."

"Why didn't you start with that..." Takina mumbles embarrassedly while Chisato and (Y/n) were trying not to laugh. 

"Well?" The lady pushes, "just two rounds that's all. And I'll order something too."

"Go get your television Kurumi." Mizuki says, sitting down her drink.

"No need, I just need to players." She then sits over at her usual table and tries to set it up. Chisato and (Y/n) start a conversation with her while Takina beings to make her usual order.

"So this is for your manga, right?" Chisato starts off.

"Yeah yeah it's a scene between two side characters but the fans love them." She starts rambling, "in this part they are finally alone in a room together. And since they're both 'outcasts' what better thing to do then make them play video games!"

"Isn't that like, an attack towards your readers?" (Y/n) asks.

"Yes and no. Their whole dynamic is they never fit in, until they found each other."

The two girls just nodded along from there, watching her struggle to set up the device. Until (Y/n) offers to do it for her. "I had a friend awhile back and he always did it like this..." She had it up and running within two minutes.

"Okay then why don't you to go the first round?" The lady asks, sipping on her coffee.

"Sure." Chisato says and takes a controller. "Go easy on me now I'm not good at this stuff."

(Y/n) gives her a look that reads, you are literally an assassin. The match lasted for two minutes with Chisato losing.

"No mercy huh?" She pouts.

"Hey now I didn't sign anything saying I'd let you win." (Y/n) smiles, "come on let's go again. I'm sure you'll pick it up quickly."

They laughed, trash talked, and felt like they were the only two people in the room. And definitely didn't have someone behind them using their every moment as a reference. Despite all the time they played Chisato never won a single round. "I was so close that time!" She yells, seeing the screen read 'game!'.

"Yeah yeah you say that every time." (Y/n) stretches, "got enough material yet?"

The lady seemed to have kicked into gear, page after page getting filled with scribbles of the screen. "Keep playing." She mutters not even looking up. "Takina! Another drink with caffeine!" She calls, her hand never stopped drawing.

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