Bi! Kiyoko Shimizu X Ace! Male! Reader (Haikyuu!!) {The Nice Guy}

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This is a request!

Summary: one guy, out of every single male volleyball player in the country of Japan, can talk to a female manger without being ignored

"Oi! (Y/n)!" Kurro shouts and smacks his teammates face with a pillow. "Wait up already! You too, Kenma!"

He reductaly wakes up and his eyes adjust to the lighting. "What the hell boss..." He mumbles.

"Hurry up before Karasuno eats everything." He replies, hitting the back of Kenma's head with a pillow. "And I told you not to play games last night!"

"Fuck off..." Kenma sits up, shoving the pillow out of his face. "You should have said breakfast was cooked already first..." (Y/n) agrees and gets dressed.

The boys enter the cafeteria and get in line for food. (Y/n)'s phone buzzes, Kenma looks over his shoulder. "A girl?" He teases.

"Nah just Oikawa." He gets a puzzled look. "The captain of Aoba Johsai and the setter."

"Oh." Kenma replies as they are served their food.

A girl manager from one of the other teams smiles, "here you are."

"Thank you very much." Both boys respond and sit with their team.

"Took you two long enough." Lev comments before shoving a bunch of rice in his mouth.

Kuroo hands (Y/n) a sheet of paper. "Bunch of games today, don't eat too much." 

"Yeah yeah." He replies and checks his phone to see another text. "You're gonna love this." He shows the captain his phone. "Oikawa got dumped again."

Kuroo starts cackling, though some mistake it for a laugh. Slamming his hand on the table twice, leaning over it too. A few of the mangers and other players look their way.

"Sorry everyone." (Y/n) smiles, smacking Kuroo on the back of his head. "Please don't mind him."

Bokuto walks over, "hey (Y/n)!" He shouts, "what's got the cat off his rocker?" He shows the owl his phone. He, too, begins the same process Kuroo went threw.

While the two captains continued to die, the coaches came in. Giving a small speech and gathered their teams to start off the practice matches. Bokuto left along with Karasuno. The other teams went to watch from the sidelines.

"You guys go on ahead, I'll help clean up." (Y/n) says and his teammates shrug.

The mangers walk up to him, "umm." Yachi, one of Karasuno's mangers says. "Thank you." She runs off to the court.

"You don't have to stay." Miyanoshita, Ubugawa's manger adds.

He waves her off, "I won't stay long. I should help you since I ate." He reasons, "it would be wrong if I didn't."

And so, the mangers let him clean up all the dishes before sending him off to the court.


"Good work today." Kuroo slaps (Y/n) on his back. "Kept almost every ball from hitting the ground."

"That is the libero's  job." (Y/n) replies with a sigh. "Let's just clean up and eat." Once again all the other teams headed off to eat. Thinking the line would be too long, he decides to help the remaining mangers clean up.

One of them being Shimizu, the third year manger at Karasuno. Who a lot of the boys have been talking about since they first laid eyes on her. Unless Karasuno's libero or bald guy stares daggers at their souls.

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