Tenya Iida X NB! Reader (My Hero Academia) {Iida Chop!} [Headcannons + One Shot]

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(Don't ask me how that title wasn't 80 characters) (also I asked the requester if I could switch out the character they had originally ask for cause of my own extreme personal bias) (also cause I don't think anyone is sitting here going "yes I want Mineta posters all over the walls of my bed room, he is best boy, could do no wrong" and if you are, no you aren't.) (mineta has no rights here.) (funny story though I had to look up this guys name to spell it and one of the search results was "Mineta x death", I think I have made the right choice)

This is a request! The reader and Iida are already dating since this is an x reader type of thing!

Warning: Uses of wrong pronouns and Mineta being an ass

Summary: Iida chops Mineta for using the wrong pronouns and being an ass, as everyone should do

- Everyone who has got a glimpse of Iida knows he is a man of respect.

- Wether it's respect for others or towards him, he won't hesitate to yell at someone if they aren't being respectful.

- So when his partner comes to him and tells him about their new pronouns, he changes intensely without skipping a beat.

- I imagine that coming out would go something like this-

It was a summer afternoon right before break was about to start. Which also meant all the first years at U.A. had a written test before the break started. All of the students were told to treat this like an actual exam though, as this would help the teacher choose their placement for the classes next school year.

As some student do in Japan, some formed study groups. All of them were composed of who normally hanged out with who. This really meant, the smartest kids would tutor the not so smart kids. These study sessions usually lasted until the early morning hours, until the day before the test that is. All the first year students turned in a little early in order to wake up on time tomorrow.

Now here is where Iida and (Y/n) come in, they both had the idea to meet up before the test started to get some last minute cramming in. Not that they needed it or anything, just being extra prepared. Iida has noticed that something has been on their mind, their facial expression gives it all away.

"Don't worry," he put a hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder, "you'll do just fine on."

(Y/n) shakes their head, "with all this studying I better." They let out a dry laugh, "just thinking about other things is all."

"Would you like to share or wait until after the test?" He offers, removing his hand.

"I mean I can say it now as long as it won't effect your testing session." They reply, "it shouldn't though, it's nothing really serious."

"I promise it won't effect my... testing session..." He chuckles at the wording, placing a hand onto of his partners. "You can tell me if you want to, I won't push you."

(Y/n) takes in a deep breath, "I want to start going by they/them pronouns. I think I'm non-binary."

He smiles, "okay. I'll make sure to respect that."

They pull him into a hug, "thank you."

He hugs them back, "of course."

- Since he knew better than to misgender someone, even if the person told them too around some people, he still tried his best to avoid pronouns.

- If you are okay with your birth name, he will just use that most of the time.

- "Yeah (Y/n) and I are headed there after school, do you want to come with us?"

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