Bi! Toga Himiko X Reader (My Hero Academia) {Sides}

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I said I would never write for Toga and I meant it. This is the only time it will ever happen. Why did I choose her? She is cannon bisexual therefore she fits perfectly.

Summary: a very angsty, sad, one shot about how the reader and Toga fight for their "normal"

Warning: Homophobia, anti-lgbtq rights (very important to the one shot), major character death

Separate warning: Mentions of blood (because it's Toga, please don't make it creepy)

Note: No orientation for the reader or pronouns, this if for everyone one to read. The reader is apart of the community in the way that you, the person reading this, are.

Also note: (H/n) = hero name


Having a friend live close by is always a blessing. No matter what age a person is or what stage of life. This may be a reason why "childhood friends" is such a common trope in all forms of media; from books to television show and even musicals. Many audiences can relate to having this type of relationship.

Which brings us to Toga Himiko and her best friend (Full Name) discovering this trope one lazy summer afternoon. They live right next door to each other and have ever since they were born. The two have even been in the same class for years. Not bad for two seven year olds.

A classic cartoon was playing while Toga's mother prepared watermelon for them to eat. Although Toga wanted to watch something she called "scary and red!" It was like code she had made up without knowing what it meant. Her parents were worried about her and regretted watching a horror film with her in the house. They thought she was sound asleep that night. Now they feared they had awoken something sinister inside her.

The cartoon episode was about the two main characters, a boy and a girl, starting a relationship. "I don't get it." (Y/n) huffs, "did he like his best friend and she did too, right?" Looking over at Toga's mother who places the watermelon on the dinning room table.

"Of course not sweetie. A man and a man or a women and a women could never be together." She says simply to the child.

"But why not?" Toga crosses her arms.

"It's wrong." Her father chimes in. "Very wrong."

This was the first if many encounters with homophobia. Little did those young kids know; their lives were already set on a different path.

That night, before (Y/n) went back home, the two went outside into the back yard. They had heard something crash into the window a few hours ago. Toga's mother said it was nothing. "It was just the wind."

Still they were curious and checked it out. (Y/n) steps back, hands shaking. "The bird..."

Toga picks it up and sees the blood. "It's cute right?"

Shocked and scared by the look on her face, (Y/n) backs away. "W-what?"

She frowns, "the bird. I think it's cute."

"Himiko it's dead."

Toga's parents come outside, "what's wrong?" They see their daughter holding the bird in her hands.

"It's cute yeah?" She smiles.

Her parents look at her, disgusted by her actions. "No it's not. Put it down." She listens to them. "Never do that again. That is weird and wrong."

Toga goes inside and washes her hands. "I think you should go home now, (Y/n)." Toga's father says.

Toga comes out of the bathroom and is hugged by (Y/n). "Come to my house tomorrow."

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