Suoh Tamaki X Demiboy! Reader (Ouran High School Host Club) {Costumes}

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Got a few Ouran requests this time around which doesn't happen very often. Never the less I am very excited to get requests for this series. This is a request!

Summary: Tamaki is always willing to help in his usual strange ways

Note: He/him and they/them pronouns for the reader but as always only they/them pronouns will be used to describe actions

Also note: cannon pronouns for Ouran characters will be used

It's no secret that a major some of yen goes to cosplay in the Host Club. With the amount of events they host every month, the left over costumes often are sold off at the end of each year. One of Kyoya's greatest ideas, he says so himself. What is left over either from not being sold or the club voted to keep is stored in closets.

Closets, plural.

Just like some students at Ouran Academy. Wether it be about interest, hobbies, love interests or gender. While the school is slowly seeing change and students are becoming more expressive, change is always a slow process.

Many students who experience gender dysphoria go about their day without anyone knowing about it. Or, in some lucky cases, a handful of their friends know.

The most major problem is school uniform. Women must wear the 'women's' uniform and men must wear the 'men's'. It's unavoidable. Only Haruhi is able to avoid this thanks to the Host Club and her masculine features. Also because she transferred to Ouran during high school. While everyone else has been going since the start of their school journey.

The medical exam happens every year after all. The school has no plans to change its policy. Even with more students stating that having a gendered uniform hurts them.

Which bring us to the Host Club room. The club had a day off per Tamaki's request. The other hosts still gather to mess around and be annoying to one another. To Haruhi in particular. They were wondering why Tamaki brought (Y/n) in though. 

"He did look kind of gloomy when they came in." Kaoru. "Tamaki must be plotting another crazy scheme..."

"There's no telling." Hikaru nods in agreement, looking over to see what Haruhi was so busy studying.

"Where are they anyway?" Honey said before taking another bite off his cake with Takashi.

"Changing rooms." Kyoya answered, pouring everyone another cup of tea. "Even though he would never watch (Y/n) get changed. He respects people too much."

"Speak of the devil..." The twins mutter as Tamaki power walks to where the group was sitting at, slamming his hands on the table. To make a dramatic entrance, of course.

"Haruhi!" He exclaims and drags her by the arm to the change rooms. "Please come with me!" She doesn't say anything and just goes along with whatever he wants. When they get to the rooms, "(Y/n) isn't have such a great day and I need you to give him a confidence boost." He whispers, giving her a thumbs up.

"Huh?" She replies. Not asking why he is having a bad day. More like she doesn't understand how to give him a confidence boost while looking at him.

"You got this." He says and shoves her in the room's direction. Sighing, she knocks on the door.

"Hey? (Y/n)? Everything alright?" She says but doesn't get a reply. "Need helping getting something on? Though costumes are super complicated no matter how many times you wear them." She chuckles.

"Uh yeah." They reply, "you can come in."

Tamaki is with the other boys now, looking away from the room. She slides into the room before shoving the curtain back. Taken back by their appearance, she is at a loss of words. "Does it look that bad?" They chuckle, looking at their reflection in the mirror.

"No the exact opposite actually. I didn't know how handsome you could look with just a change of clothes." Haruhi replies being genuine in her words. "I mean everyone looks good in a butler type uniform but never look as good in it compared to you."

"Tamaki set you up for this?"

She choose to say the truth, "I was sent to cheer you up but my words are real. I'm not very good at lying. As the twins have proven time and time again."

They don't say anything for a moment before (Y/n) stands up. "Enough feeling down on myself, let's go show the others."

Haruhi nods and they exit the room. Renge had now joined the boys and her jaw hit the floor along with Tamaki's. "Is this a new host I have yet to meet!?" She squeals, shaking their hand vigorously.

"It's me, Renge." (Y/n) says when she finally lets go.

"Oh (Y/n)! I didn't recognize you." She chuckles not liking the awkwardness of the situation so she leaves.

"My my," the twins walk around them. "Very dashing." They nod.

"I'd have to agree." Kyoya says and pushes up his glasses. "It fits you well."

Tamaki is still shocked as the others chime in with their comments. It wasn't until the hosts decide to leave them alone did he say something. Knowing their president is not capable of recovering until it was just the two of them. "You got this boss." Hikaru encourages before closing the clubroom door.

"Ahem." Tamaki clears his throat. "What do you think?" Flower petals started dancing around him but (Y/n) isn't amused by this. Nor do they fall for his 'Prince Charming' act or any sort of flirting.

"It looks good, thank you. I just wish everyone else could see this and not that uniform." (Y/n) sighs and lets go over all the thoughts swimming in their head. It has conserved them long ago and has been waiting to come out. "I mean am I really trans if everyone around me sees me as something that I'm not? Am I just faking all of this? I look so feminine and that's all people see me as."

Tamaki thinks about his words carefully, first asking them to sit down and have something to drink. "Just because the people around you don't see you, I do. I see the man you are and the others do as well." He is referring to the other hosts. "And if it helps you can always try on different costumes. Or help out at events when we need extra people. Kyoya is always saying how we need help with large events."

He ends with, "I'm always here to remind you of the man I see you for. The handsome, cool and good looking guy. It's a shame others are being robbed of it."

And I don't know where to go from there so I'll leave it here. Did that sound comforting? Please let me know.

No real need for explanation I think everything already is and is straightforward. Although I did decide to not have the reader and Haruhi walk out like they are a 'couple'. Mostly because the reader's sexuality isn't said in the request nor if the reader and Tamaki are dating. So it's up to you, the person reading this, if they are.

Also I wrote this all in one sitting lol

K cool bye


And as always be gay do crimes, be trans throw hands

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