Bi!Kyan Reki X Bi!Fem!Reader (Sk8 The Infinity) {Weekend Skate Session}

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I liked Reki as a character and thought his design looked cool. Really just needed to break up all of the My Hero Academia one shots lol, I like having that diversity in my books. Also wanted to write something the would be viewed as a cishet relationship from just looking at them, but they are still apart of the community. I don't know why, I just do.

Summary: Reki and the gang being bi on main

"I swear those two need to chill out." Miya scoffs, looking away as the couple skates hand in hand as the group travels to the skate park.

"Don't be so jealous!" Reki shouts, not even bothering looking back.

Langa smiles and shakes his head, taking out his phone. The sun was setting in front of them creating the perfect photo. It was like a stock image; the trees were swaying the right direction, the light hit the camera lens just right, and his phone camera was so bad it made the final touch to make the photo a stock image.

The group was heading to a different skate park in another city. It was the weekend so they decided to make a day of it. Miya was feeling left out, even though Reki and (Y/n) invited him but he refused, and tagged along at the last minute. However, thanks to (Y/n) being smart enough to catch on, she packed enough lunch for everyone. The packed lunch was really just an excuse to show off her pride pins. It's a skate park after all, no one will be homophobic there.

It was a train ride away but they choose to skate half of the way. Miya was showing off the new tricks he had learned while Langa was finally able to have complete control of his speed.

The park wasn't anything special. There were two handrails and a few rainbow rails, a half pipe and an empty pool. This was more of a hangout spot than a "show off" one. The largest contributing factor to this statement is the wide space between everything and around the half pipe.

Needless to say that there was a good amount of people but it wasn't too crowded. Other people were all mostly teenagers with friends. The occasional university student here and there. When they arrived Langa and Reki headed straight for the handrail. They waved as to Miya and (Y/n) who went off to the empty pool. Miya wasn't very good around kids his age just yet, but would be over flowing with confidence when it comes to skating. A little too much confidence in fact.

"Oi (Y/n)." He scoffs, "watch this." He nonchalantly drops down into the empty pool and skates up the other side with easy. The two people who were also they stopped and watched with amazement. And a bit of annoyance but they just shrugged it off. (Y/n) joins him, repeating the same moves. Only she fumbled a bit going down. The other people quickly got out and a few others gathered to watch Miya and (Y/n) go round and round.

Langa and Reki went over to see what the commotion was about. "Hey that girl's pretty cute." A guy nudged his friend. "She had pins all over her bag..." The friend replied.

A girl standing a few feet away from them noticed one pin in particular. "She's got a bi pin!" She exclaimed to her friend. (Y/n), not hearing the girls conversation, went that side of the pool and tabbed her board at the top before skating back down the side. The girls standing on the side looked at each other, "I think my heart just skipped a beat..." they both said.

Miya looked up to see all those people looking at them and smiles to himself. "Hey (Y/n)." He calls and the girls looks over at him, "we should move on don't you think."

She sees Langa and Reki watching them and smiles at her boyfriend. "Yeah." They exit and a few other people drop down into the pool.

"I see you like to show off here." Reki ruffles Miya's hair in a teasing way.

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