012. domestic single mom life

Start from the beginning

"What, is it kind of like a potluck thing?" Larissa asks.

"Yeah. I bought the cookies on my lunch and put it on a platter." Jody says making Larissa laugh. "But if you're, uh, scared, I can assure that nobody is trying to poison you or anything."

"I will take your word for it." Larissa says.

"Wanna go get something?" Jody asks. "I can hold her for a bit."

"Uh... yeah. Yeah, sure." Larissa nods.

"C'mere, honey." Jody takes Athena from Larissa. Athena grins and babbles at Jody, patting the top of the woman's head. Larissa smiles, knowing she's in good hands, and goes to get some food.

"Yeah. Yep, that's my nose." Jody says when Athena puts her hand on the woman's nose. "That is my nose." Athena giggles.

~ ~ ~

Jody and Larissa are cleaning up with the help of some of the other cops, Jody using her sheriff power to make some others go home. She tried to get everybody, but a few are too stubborn.

"So, uh... I hope that these leftovers are good for tomorrow. I'm not much of a cook. If I tried, we'd just end up eating these anyway." Jody says making Larissa laugh.

"That's okay. Not really the biggest Thanksgiving person, anyway." Larissa says.

"Why not?" Jody asks.

"Uh... it's, um... it's when my parents died." Larissa informs.

"Oh. Oh, honey, I am so sorry." Jody frowns.

"It's okay. Long time ago. Just... haven't really celebrated Thanksgiving since. Partly cause of that and also nobody in the hunter life really does." Larissa says.

"Well... we will have leftovers and if we get super hungry, pizza tomorrow." Jody says.

"Sounds like a plan." Larissa nods. "Oh, but, uh, I did bake some pie earlier. Apple. And I cleaned up after, so don't worry about going home to a messy, flour covered kitchen or anything."

"I always knew you were my favorite." Jody says making Larissa laugh.


Jody drags a tree into her house. It isn't the biggest, but it's not super small.

"All right. I'm back." Jody calls out. Larissa walks in from the kitchen where Athena still is eating in her high chair.

"Do you need help?" Larissa asks, watching Jody drag the tree in.

"No. No, I got it." Jody assures. She drags the tree to the designated spot and puts it in the water bowl. "There we go." She takes a knife out and cuts the rope, starting to lower the tree branches.

"I'll go get a broom... maybe a mop." Larissa says.

"Good idea." Jody nods. She looks at the boxes of decorations. "Oh, this might be a long week." She sighs.


Larissa puts the Christmas cookies in a Tupperware and shuts it, giving it to Jody.

"For your cop buddies." Larissa says.

"Thank you, Rissa. They will love these." Jody says making her smile. "There's a party later. Family is invited."

"I will think about it." Larissa says.

"Speaking of family..." Jody trails off.

"He probably doesn't even know it's Christmas. Winchesters aren't exactly Christmas people." Larissa says. "Or any holiday for that matter."

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