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Few weeks has passed you all returned from the trip , back to your school and daily life.

You started working at the convenience store as you got this job before going to the trip.

You always have a night shift,  you talked to the head madam of dormitory.

She allowed you to be in.

As usual,  you were sitting at the counter head hung low. You were busy in phone when you heard a beep sound.

Indicating someone stepped in the store.

"Welcome sir.."

Your face frowned as you saw taehyung coming in wearing a hoodie.

"What are you doing here...this late..."

You asked as he sat opposite to you while taking the instant noodles to eat from the shelf.

"Can't you see..I am hungry..."

He showed you the noodle cup and gave a cheeky grin.

You smiled and sat back on the chair silently stealing glances at him eating soundly.

"Eat faster..night roll about to start in boys dormitory..."

He smirked as if he has already planned everything well.

"Jimin will take care of that...don't worry..."

He said finally cleaning the whole bowl of noodles slurping the remaining soup.

You giggled  in returned.

Soon another beep sound and you saw the most unexpected person there.

Wrong timing !

"Ohh James..what are you doing here.. "

You stood up being a bit flustered to see him there at the same time when taehyung was there.

"Ofcourse I was missing you sweetheart..."

It was hurtful to see how James stated you has his girlfriend,  and could tell you he missed you.

When on other hand taehyung wanted to see you that's why he went there.

You smiled shyly not to forget you had to act you enjoy his creepy flirty lines.

"Do you want something..."

You asked while looking around for something for him to eat.

"A kiss won't be a bad thing..."

James spoke and was enough for taehyung to hear that.

He widened his eyes and almost crushed the paper bowel in his hand.

You laughed nervously hitting James on arm.

"We aren't "

You spoke signaling towards taehyung.
And James turned around seeing taehyung sitting there.

He frowned and looked back at you.

"What is he doing here.."

He whispered to you and you fiddled with fingers how to answer him now.

"Ofcourse it's a convenience I didn't came do poll dancing"

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